program to send out emails to recipients from a huge list
A multithreaded approach is used to send the emails concurrently. Multithreading is sometimes not a good solution in python because of the Global Interpreter Lock in CPython. But this is only a problem when the task is CPU bound. It does not affect this example, because in each thread we're merely calling a sleep function which releases the GIL and lets other threads execute. Since the email sending code will also be an IO bound work, the concurrency of a multithreaded program greatly speeds things up. It won't let the CPU sit idle and runs other threads as one thread is waiting for the API call to finish.
This code runs in Python 3.
from the code folder, run:
Optionally you can provide a -w parameter that chooses how many worker threads to use. By default this number is set to 100.
python -w 10