tl;dr rx-await allows to use async functions instead of pipe operators in Observable streams
- simple async/await mental model for stream transformation
- 4 simple operators to easily build all others (task / cancel / callStackContext / promise)
- operators are simple functions
- need for much less operators than with traditional ReactiveX implementations - as many can be replaced by a few lines of code (e.g. if instead of filter)
- less need to combine streams as they appear as functions in functions, so sub-streams can access their parent closure and interact with their parent streams directly.
Rx-Await core idea is to be able to write observable transformations as async functions like this:
High-level principles and examples can be found in these slides (note: this presentation assumes that readers are familiar with async/await and Observables concepts).
Rx-Await requires a file pre-processing step to process task functions (i.e. the functions with a $$ parameter). The current implementation only offers a rollup plugin (cf. root folder).
In its current state Rx-Await is not available in npm - but the project is quite easy to build:
To retrieve all dependencies:
yarn install
To run all tests:
yarn test
To run the type-ahead example:
yarn build-samples && http-server
... then open your browser on