Releases: b0ink/csgo-chaos-mod
Releases · b0ink/csgo-chaos-mod
- 6 new effects (Drop all weapons, Shoot to stay awake, Chatterbox, Turrets, Fenced off, Extend round time
- Fixed convar saves for HUD colors
- Fix menu from showing blank names if translations don't exist
- Fix C4 Chicken from not spawning if the bomb has already been planted
- Fix flashbang effect
- Added setting to the !chaos menu (now available to all players) to configure the volume of the effect spawn SFX
- Added Fast DL compressed files to the repo
- Fix .raw materials from not downloading off the Fast DL
- Fixed certain effects that forces knives only
- Removed first message on Fake Teleport
- Organised functions that use map spawns
- Prevented meta effects running late into the round
- Added Convars to adjust the HUD colors
- Added a link to the help menu (currently redirects to the repo)
- Replaced any 1/0 convar toggles to display as "Yes" or "No" in the menu
- Added info to certain convars when adjusting increments in the menu
- Ensured OnMapStart functions are only run once on map start
- Revert default effect interval to 15.0 seconds
- Add thunderstorm sound effects to Thunderstorm effect
- Fix Silent Footsteps reset function
- Block jumping sounds in Silent Footsteps
- Remove Chaos_Effects.cfg to encourage server owners to adjust effects in-game using
. - 'Parse'/Collect all effects on plugin start rather than relying on the old effects config, allows for the use of INIT functions inside of effects to hook events cleanly.
- All effect info is done through the plugin so that it doesn't rely on the translations file either. If the translations file is present it will overwrite the plugin's default
- Moved hooks into respective effects
- Removed translation's descriptions (TODO in a google doc)
- Reduce meta effect chances
A lot of changes since the last release but will only mention major changes:
- Rewritten the majority of the plugin that runs much more organised behind the scenes
- ~22 effects added, including 4 meta effects
- ConVars are now handled in addons/sourcemod/configs/Chaos/Chaos_Convars.cfg instead of default cfg/sourcemod/, allows for permanent saves when editing convars in-game through the menu.
- All effects are now isolated within individual files to organise the repo
Please note this is a beta release and is intended for beta testing only. If you encounter any issues or would like to leave any feedback, please submit an issue.
- Fix checks for existing map spawn locations
- Substitute multiple ConVar changes for Sourcemod Alternatives (Eg. Auto bunnyhop & Reversed Movement done through OnPlayerRunCmd)
- Save ConVar's original values before changing them, reset them on plugin reset/map end.
- Add de_iris spawn locations
- Add visual effects to Portal Guns
- Automatically save spawn locations on custom maps to allow map based effects.
- Prevent Chaos Hooked Events from running and ConVars from resetting when chaos is disabled
- Prevents endless loops when retrying an effect that's already running.
- Check for DynamicChannels plugin in all uses but attempt to run HUD text without it.
- Clear screen overlay on player death and round end
- Ensure screen overlays runs/updates for dead players on new effect
- Add sound effect to Portal Guns
- Prevent certain effects from running too early in the map
- Change Rewind X seconds announcement message depending on tick rate (5 seconds on 128tick, 10 seconds on 64)
- Add Start Timer menu item if chaos is enabled but timer is inactive
- Cash sound effect for 'Chaos_Jackpot'
- Add materials folder with textures, restructure repo folders
- Neater text for Simon Says Effect