Releases: b0ink/csgo-chaos-mod
- Fixed forwards that weren't working when sm_chaos_override_duration was set to 0 (when effects last all round)
- Reset ConVars only when effects expire - an attempt to prevent server defaults from being reset
- sm_effectcue now accepts full effect names to skip the menu
NEW ASSETS: Ensure you upload all new materials, models, and sounds
10 New Effects:
- Negative color effect
- Magenta color effect
- Exploding Chickens
- Synced Team Jumping
- Synced Team Flash
- Synced Team Reloading
- Player Bounty
- Fling Players
- Drop Weapon on Missed Shot
- Explode on Death
- Music snippets play on "Phoon" and "Is this what mexico looks like?" effects.
- Effect queue system using sm_effectcue, allowing you to queue multiple effects to run consecutively at the time of trigger. If no effects are queued a random effect will be picked as usual.
- sm_cleareffectcue to clear the queue.
- Effect timer now pauses during freeze time if match is paused with mp_pause_match. mp_unpause_match will re-trigger the timer.
- Effect timer is no longer triggered when enabling chaos during warmup.
- Fixed C4 Chicken from breaking when Auto Plant is triggered
Bug Fix:
- Added co-op check when adding effects to twitch voting list
- Fixed issue where certain effects were getting added to effect list when they shouldn't have been at the start of the round
- Fixed certain sounds not playing to dead players
- Fixed rare occurrence where twitch effect list wouldn't show during freeze time
- Fixed players from getting stuck on shields, players can now press E on shields to pick it up (For game modes that don't support it)
- Fixed Checkers effect using old material path
- Removed strict condition check when running voted twitch effect
- Improved Ghost Slaps
- Removed health cap on Vampires effect
New Features:
- Added Co-Op Strike compatibility (Supported maps:
- Most teleport based effects are disabled due to Co-op's precise gameplay (Skipping an area by jumping over a wall will break the mission)
New Effects:
- Spawn Enemy Wave (Co-op)
- Teleport on Reload
- Teleport on Take Damage
- Fake Defuse (SFX)
- Give Kevlar
- Fixed communication between the server and Twitch overlay App, csgo server now sends the app a precise relative time for when the next effect will be triggered instead of relying on unix timestamp
- Fixed issue where incompatibility checks between two effects wouldn't work correctly
- Fixed fog on maps that had more than 1 existing fog entity.
- Fixed timer bar scale (HUD) during freeze time
- Fixed a re-occurring crash caused by bots infinitely trying to swap to their guns during an effect such as Taser Party or Knife Fight
- Fixed an issue where the effect interval would default to 0 if the configs were missing, causing a server crash
Effect fixes:
- (1v1 Arena) Force T to drop their C4 before sending them 1v1
- Fixed a bug if Auto Plant C4 triggers with no existing T players
- Fixed infinite knife loop when Boxing is triggered
- Fixed Aimbot from shaking your screen + force your angle to aim at player's chests if you're holding an awp
- Meta effects are now spawned at the start of the freeze time (Instead of both meta effects and normal effects triggering at the same time)
- Overlays no longer clear when you die, so that you can continue to spectate what overlays the players see
- Add sound effects to other weapon drop effects, as well the Smoke Strat effect
- Entity cleanups are now cleaned from their respective effects (Instead of each effect iterating through all entities then comparing names, each effect now manages their own array of entities that are spawned, this is to avoid any chance of removing the same entity twice in the same frame)
- HUD gets cleared as soon as round ends instead of waiting for timer to update
- Fix lightning materials (again)
- Fixed bug where effects would be applied on player spawns right after the effect expires
- Moved HUD color ConVars into 7 configurable styles (0 = White. 1 = Pink. 2 = Green. 3 = Blue. 4 = Cyan. 5 = Yellow. 6 = Orange), configurable via !chaos menu
5 New Effects:
- 1v1 Arena
- Rainbow Timer
- Switch To Knife
- Big Black Bars
- Set HP to Ammo Count
- Fixed wallhack effect from breaking when player models are changed
- Fix Auto Plant on round end
- Added consisted weapon switching when knife effects end (won't switch if you're holding a C4 out)
5 New Effects:
- Sepia
- Buffering Overlay
- Watermark Overlay
- Expensive Ammo
- Swap weapons with the enemy
- Fixed Simon Says from damaging players if the effect is run a second time
- Prevent plugin from advertising itself if chaos is disabled by server owner
- Fixed two effect reset bitfields sharing the same value
- Cancel lerp teleports if the player dies halfway through
- Fixed m4a1-s Loose Trigger sound
- Fixed player model restoring issue when changing maps
- Fixed issue where the round end panel would disappear
- Added lerp teleports to teammate swap effect
- Prevent effect forwards from running if the effect is inactive (optimisation)
- Added an optional visual timer bar instead of the "New Effect In: 30" text. Enabled by default, can be changed via the
Menu - Removed debug prints
- Option to reset ConVar defaults from the menu
- Prevented temporary spawn points from being saved while Portal Guns effect is active (Will now save to a new file)
- Prevented Fake Teleport from running after the round ends
- Fixed all sounds in Loose Trigger
- Changed gravity effects to be applied to the whole server and not just client specific (now affects other entities)
- Improved Drop All Weapons visually
- Improved Decoy Dodgeball mechanics
- Improved "Is this what mexico looks like?" effect with color corrections instead of fog
- Improved "Ice Skating" effect so that you have to press spacebar to ice skate
- Improved "Teleport On Kill" & "Portal Guns" to lerp players on teleport.
- Fixed lightning strike material in Thunderstorm (Precached correctly now)
- Reduced 1HP effect to only run 5 seconds by default
- Nerfed "Don't miss or you take damage"
- Added more incompatibilities to allow gameplay to run smoother
15 New Effects:
- Tiny Players (50% player models)
- Door Stuck
- Tear Gas
- Quick Math
- Melon Guns
- Throwing Knives
- Exploding Oil Drums
- Armageddon
- Radio Chatter
- Extend C4 Timer
- Low Pitch
- High Pitch
- "Nice"
- DVD Screensaver
- Near Miss
Slightly improved randomness of effects by shuffling list
Optimisation behind the scenes, mostly how effect functions are called and handled.
Compressed most of the basic overlays (.vtf materials) (2MB each -> 500kb), slightly reduced in quality
Nerfed a bunch of effects from killing you quickly to encourage longer rounds
Fixed recoil issues with Aimbot effect that persisted after the effect reset
Fixed C4 AutoPlant, ensured that it works 100% of the time
Allow all effects to be run from the menu and bypass any minor restrictions, such as a dependancy on Round Time (now only disabled if it poses a serious risk such as missing models/textures)
New command that will instantly spawn a new random effect, if available: sm_randomeffect (Allows third-party plugins to easily call the command)
Fixed an issue with the config that wasn't saving hud color ConVars
+minor QOL improvements among various effects
Edit: 14/02/2023
- Updated v0.4.0b zip file below as it was containing an extra folder in the FastDL that is no longer used