tmux-autoreload watches your tmux configuration file and automatically reloads it on change.
To install tmux-autoreload with TPM (, add the following line to the end of your tmux configuration file:
set-option -g @plugin 'b0o/tmux-autoreload'
Then, inside tmux, press prefix + I
to fetch the plugin.
If you don't use a plugin manager, git clone tmux-autoreload to the location of your choice and run it directly:
run-shell "/path/to/tmux-autoreload/tmux-autoreload.tmux"
Once installed, you should be good to go unless you use non-standard configuration file paths or want to customize how tmux-autoreload behaves.
If your tmux config file is at a non-standard location or if you have multiple,
specify them in @tmux-autoreload-configs
, separated by commas:
set-option -g @tmux-autoreload-configs '/path/to/configs/a.conf,/path/to/configs/b.conf'
Normally, tmux-autoreload will source whichever file changed. If you wish to
source a specific set of files when any configuration file changes, use
set-option -g @tmux-autoreload-entrypoints '/path/to/entrypoint.conf'
You can specify multiple entrypoints separated by commas. All entrypoints will be sourced when any watched file changes.
Set @tmux-autoreload-entrypoints
to 1 to use the standard tmux configuration
files as entrypoints, usually /etc/tmux.conf
and ~/.tmux.conf.
You can see
these files with:
tmux display-message -p "#{config_files}"
If entrypoints are configured, a changed file itself will not necessarily be reloaded unless it's an entrypoint or is sourced by an entrypoint.
Entrypoints will not be watched unless they're a standard tmux configuration file like
or are included in@tmux-autoreload-configs.
@tmux-autoreload-configs (Default: unset)
A comma-delimited list of paths to configuration files which should be
watched in addition to the base tmux configuration files.
@tmux-autoreload-entrypoints (Default: unset)
A comma-delimited list of paths to configuration files which should be
reloaded when any watched configuration file changes. If unset, the changed
file itself will be reloaded.
If set, only the entrypoints will be reloaded, not necessarily the changed
If set to 1, the base tmux configuration files are used as the entrypoints
(you can see the base configuration files with the command tmux
display-message -p "#{config_files}").
@tmux-autoreload-quiet 0|1 (Default: 0)
If set to 1, tmux-autoreload will not display status messages.
Usage: tmux-autoreload.tmux [-f] [OPT...]
Automatically reloads your tmux configuration files on change.
-h Display usage information.
-v Display tmux-autoreload version and copyright information.
-f Run in foreground (do not fork).
-k Kill the running tmux-autoreload instance.
-s Show tmux-autoreload status
To install tmux-autoreload with TPM (, add the
following line to the end of your tmux configuration file:
set-option -g @plugin 'b0o/tmux-autoreload'
If you don't use a plugin manager, git clone tmux-autoreload to the location of your
choice and run it directly:
run-shell "/path/to/tmux-autoreload/tmux-autoreload.tmux"
Once installed, you should be good to go unless you use non-standard
configuration file paths or want to customize how tmux-autoreload behaves.
Configuration file paths
If your config file is at a non-standard location or if you have multiple,
specify them in @tmux-autoreload-configs, separated by commas:
set-option -g @tmux-autoreload-configs '/path/to/configs/a.conf,/path/to/configs/b.conf'
Normally, tmux-autoreload will source whichever file changed. If you wish to
source a specific set of files when any configuration file changes, use
set-option -g @tmux-autoreload-entrypoints '/path/to/entrypoint.conf'
You can specify multiple entrypoints separated by commas. All entrypoints
will be sourced when any watched file changes.
Set @tmux-autoreload-entrypoints to 1 to use the standard tmux configuration
files as entrypoints, usually /etc/tmux.conf and ~/.tmux.conf. You can see
these files with:
tmux display-message -p "#{config_files}".
Entrypoint Notes:
- If entrypoints are configured, a changed file itself will not necessarily
be reloaded unless it's an entrypoint or is sourced by an entrypoint.
- Entrypoints will not be watched unless they're a standard tmux
configuration file like ~/.tmux.conf or are included in @tmux-autoreload-configs.
Other Options
@tmux-autoreload-quiet 0|1 (Default: 0)
If set to 1, tmux-autoreload will not display messages
© 2021 Maddison Hellstrom
Released under the MIT License.