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A light-weight NMAP wrapper based on https://github.com/argp/nmapdb.
- Linux, MacOSX
- python2
- libsqlite3-dev
- pysqlite (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysqlite)
- cd to
$ nventory-master/installer
$ sudo python2 install.py
- You're done!
$ nventory
Everything else from this point is straight-forward.
You can use list files (-iL) for inventorying multiple hosts.
You can explicitly type specific single hosts for inventory as well.
All working elements of this software are located at /opt/nventory
Actual database location: /opt/nventory/database/database.db
Feel free to fork it / break it / bop it.
- Create a man page
- Create DEB and RPM packages
- Release v1.0
nmapdb parses nmap's XML output files and inserts them into an SQLite database.
I coded this a while back (mid 2009) and have been using it since. Some people I have shared nmapdb with have found it useful, so I am releasing it publicly.
Example usage:
$ sudo nmap -A -oX scanme.xml scanme.nmap.org
Starting Nmap ...
$ ls scanme.xml
$ ./nmapdb.py -h
usage: ./nmapdb.py [options] <nmap output XML file(s)>
(-h) --help this message
(-v) --verbose verbose output
(-c) --create specify input SQL file to create SQLite DB
(-d) --database specify output SQLite DB file
(-f) --frequency list most frequent open ports from specified DB
(-n) --nodb do not perform any DB operations (i.e. dry run)
(-V) --version output version number and exit
Use -c to create a database from the schema on the first run:
$ ./nmapdb.py -c nmapdb.sql -d myscan.db scanme.xml
$ file myscan.db
myscan.db: SQLite 3.x database
$ sqlite3 myscan.db
SQLite version 3.7.7 ...
sqlite> select * from hosts;||scanme.nmap.org|ipv4|Linux 2.6.18|Linux|85|2.6.X|1316681984|up|
sqlite> select * from ports;|22|tcp|ssh|open||80|tcp|http|open|
Subsequent scans can be entered into the same database:
$ ./nmapdb.py -d myscan.db bar.xml foo.xml host1.xml host2.xml \
host3.xml host4.xml meh.xml (or simply *.xml)
$ sqlite3 myscan.db
SQLite version 3.7.7 ...
sqlite> select * from ports where ports.port='22';
sqlite> select * from ports where ports.port='23';|23|tcp|telnet|open|
sqlite> select * from hosts inner join ports on hosts.ip=ports.ip where hosts.ip='' and ports.state='open';|00:00:C5:CF:86:30|modem|ipv4||||||up|Farallon Computing/netopia||23|tcp|telnet|open||00:00:C5:CF:86:30|modem|ipv4||||||up|Farallon Computing/netopia||80|tcp|http|open|
sqlite> select * from hosts inner join ports on hosts.ip=ports.ip where hosts.os_name like '%bsd%' and ports.port=22;
aa.bb.91.25||foo.bar.org|ipv4|FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE|FreeBSD|95|7.X|1231841556|up||aa.bb.91.25|22|tcp|ssh|open|
Feel free to fork, submit patches, whatever.
Thanks to antonat and thomas for providing feedback.
argp, Mon Apr 30 14:49:21 EEST 2012