Lists of this Readme.MD
- 1. Go to Description: Description
- 2. Go to Technology: Technology
- 3. Go to Preview: Preview
- 5. Go to a tiny about me: a tiny about me
- 6. Go to Documents: Documents
- This Project was created with C# and git and as you know , unity engine and Microsoft visual Studio.
at this project use some remarkable technology languages such as:
+ C-Sharp
+ 3D's Max
+ fruty-loops studio
+ Virtual Reality
+ Augmented Reality
+ Steam
+ SteamVR
+ Steam on Steam
+ Virtual Desktop
+ Oculus
+ Vive
+ Artificial Intelligence
+ HandTracking
+ HandTracking Algorithm
+ Object Detection
+ AI robot_3D
+ Classification-Algorithm
+ Localization-Algorithm
+ HOG Algorithm
+ deep-learning
+ CNN-algorithm
+ comutational Intelligence
+ YOLO algorithm
+ Single-shot-Multibox-Detector-algorithm(SSD)
+ R-CNN Algorithm
+ Desition-Tree Algorithm
+ Collision Detection Algorithm
+ Ant-Colony-optimazation-Algorithm
+ XR
+ XRI-algorithm
- without Affiliation...
- install and run the VR project on your computer...
- @Author : babak yousefian
- please block the firewall and antivirus on your pc: blocked
- open the install progress file
- install the winRAR.6.22: winRAR
- install 3D's max: 3D's MAX
- to activate your microsoft part , you should use this Microsoft.Net: Microsoft.Net
- now turns to next part named mocrosoft visual studio to install java and VsWebProtocolSelector and setup files: VsWebProtocolSelector
- now install Unity: UnityHub & Unity
- update & download USB3: USB3
- Download Oculus Setup: Oculus
- Download SteamSetup: Steam
- Download Virtual DeskTop: VirtualDesktop
- Download SteamVR: SteamVR
- Update SDK unity: SDK
hi there
im babak yousefian
im a Develoer Programming
if you have any questions please send email for me within this link : [email protected]
on the other hand, if you would not to use email contact, you can use send message for my number. my phone number is: +98-903-669-2215, from Iran.
i'm so glad , if you are send me some questions or comments about my own project.