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updated skalo with indel output
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Romain Derelle authored and Romain Derelle committed Feb 9, 2025
1 parent 3ce160e commit f591fb4
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Showing 6 changed files with 283 additions and 72 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pub const DEFAULT_MINQUAL: u8 = 20;
/// Default quality filtering criteria
pub const DEFAULT_QUALFILTER: QualFilter = QualFilter::Strict;
/// Default -m for ska lo
pub const DEFAULT_MISSING_SKALO: f32 = 0.2;
pub const DEFAULT_MISSING_SKALO: f32 = 0.1;
/// Default -d for ska lo
pub const DEFAULT_MAX_PATHDEPTH: usize = 4;
/// Deafult -n for ska lo
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27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions src/
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//! ## ska lo
//! Converts split k-mers from a `.skf` file into a colored De Bruijn graph and infers SNPs from variant groups in
//! reference-free mode (equivalent to SKA align). SNPs are only composed of ATGC variants (no ambigous nucleotides).
//! Multithreading ('-t' argument) is not yet optimised - it usually takes 4 threads to halve runtimes.
//! Converts split k-mers from a `.skf` file into a colored De Bruijn graph and infers indels from graph bubbles and SNPs from variant groups in
//! reference-free mode (as with `ska align`). SNPs are only composed of ATGC variants (no ambigous nucleotides). The same
//! filtering applies to indels.
//! Multithreading ('-t' argument) is not fully optimised - it usually takes 4 threads to halve runtimes.
//! To generate a SNP alignment (here in a file named 'test_snps.fas'):
//! To generate a SNP alignment and an indel VCF file (here named 'test_snps.fas' and 'test_indels.vcf'):
//! ```bash
//! ska lo -i seqs.skf -o test
//! ska lo seqs.skf test
//! ```
//! ska lo can also position SNPs on a reference genome if provided using the '-r' argument. The reference genome should
//! be in FASTA format and composed of a unique sequence. skalo lo will then generate, in addition to the SNP alignemnt, a
//! VCF file and a pseudo-genome alignment (equivalent to SKA map) that can be used for recombination analyses. In such use case,
//! we recommmend to increase the maximum proportion of missing data allowed per SNP ('-m' argument), but not above 0.5.
//! It can also position SNPs on a reference genome if provided using the '-r' argument. The reference genome should
//! be in FASTA format and composed of a unique sequence. skalo lo will then generate, in addition to the SNP alignment and the indel
//! VCF file, a SNP VCF file and a pseudo-genome alignment (as with `ska map`) that can be used for recombination analyses.
//! In such use case, we recommmend to increase the maximum proportion of missing data allowed per variant ('-m' argument), but not above 0.5.
//! ```bash
//! ska lo -i seqs.skf -o test -r reference.fas -m 0.4
//! ska lo seqs.skf test -r reference.fas -m 0.4
//! ```
//! Please note that at the moment indels cannot be positioned on a reference genome.
//! ### Efficiency
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -842,11 +845,11 @@ pub fn main() {

if let Ok(ska_array) = load_array::<u64>(&[input_skf.clone()], *threads) {
log::info!(" # read file {}", input_skf);
log::info!("Reading file {}", input_skf);
log::info!("Using 64-bit representation");
skalo(ska_array, config);
} else if let Ok(ska_array) = load_array::<u128>(&[input_skf.clone()], *threads) {
log::info!(" # read file {}", input_skf);
log::info!("Reading file {}", input_skf);

Check warning on line 852 in src/

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Added line #L852 was not covered by tests
log::info!("Using 128-bit representation");
skalo(ska_array, config);
} else {
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/skalo/
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mod compaction;
pub mod extremities;
pub mod input;
mod output;
mod output_snps;
mod positioning;
mod process_variants;
pub mod read_graph;
pub mod utils;
pub mod process_indels;
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/skalo/ → src/skalo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ pub fn create_fasta_and_vcf(
variant_map: HashMap<u32, Vec<char>>,
config: &Config,
) {
log::info!("Writting output files");

// replace non-ATGCN characters with 'N' in genome_seq
for base in genome_seq.iter_mut() {
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234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions src/skalo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
//! indel processing
use bit_set::BitSet;
use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write, BufWriter};

use crate::ska_dict::bit_encoding::UInt;
use crate::skalo::utils::{Config, DataInfo, VariantInfo};

type VariantGroups<IntT> = HashMap<(IntT, IntT), Vec<VariantInfo>>;

/// This function processes indels. These are dereplicated and inserts are extracted.
/// As for SNPs, indels are filtered to only retain true variants and based on the
/// proportion of missing samples.
pub fn process_indels<IntT: for<'a> UInt<'a>>(
indel_groups: VariantGroups<IntT>,
kmer_2_samples: &HashMap<IntT, BitSet>,
data_info: &DataInfo,
config: &Config,
) -> HashSet<IntT> {

log::info!("Processing indels");

// dereplicate indels
let (final_indels, entries_indels) = dereplicate_indels(indel_groups, data_info.k_graph);

// create VCF output file
let vcf_filename = format!("{}_indels.vcf", config.output_name);
let file = File::create(&vcf_filename).expect("Unable to create VCF file");
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file);

// Wwrite VCF header
writeln!(writer, "##fileformat=VCFv4.2").unwrap();
writeln!(writer, "# REF corresponds to the most frequent variant among samples").unwrap();
writeln!(writer, "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\t{}",

let mut nb_indels = 0;

// consider indels 1 by one
for vec_variants in final_indels.values() {
// get taxonomic sampling for each variant
let bitset_vec: Vec<BitSet> = vec_variants
.filter_map(|variant| {
let encoded_kmer = IntT::encode_kmer(&variant.sequence.get_range(0, data_info.k_graph + 1));

// compute missing samples, including `0/1` as missing
let mut missing_samples = 0;
let mut ref_present = false;
let mut alt_present = false;

Check warning on line 54 in src/skalo/

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Added lines #L43 - L54 were not covered by tests

for i in 0..data_info.sample_names.len() {
let in_ref = bitset_vec[0].contains(i);
let in_alt = bitset_vec[1].contains(i);

if !in_ref && !in_alt {
missing_samples += 1;
else if in_ref && in_alt {
missing_samples += 1; // consider heterozygous calls as missing
else if in_ref {
ref_present = true;
else {
alt_present = true;

Check warning on line 71 in src/skalo/

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Added lines #L56 - L71 were not covered by tests

let proportion_missing = missing_samples as f32 / data_info.sample_names.len() as f32;

// filter indels based on proportion of missing data and only keep true variants
if proportion_missing <= config.max_missing && ref_present && alt_present {
nb_indels += 1;

// get inserts and 1st/last k-mers
let (vec_inserts, last_kmer) = extract_middle_bases(vec_variants, data_info.k_graph);
let first_kmer = vec_variants[0].sequence.decode()[..data_info.k_graph].to_string();

// determine the most frequent variant (REF) and the other (ALT)
let mut variants: Vec<(String, usize, &BitSet)> =
.map(|(seq, bitset)| (seq.clone(), bitset.len(), bitset))

// sort by frequency (descending) to find the most frequent variant
variants.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1));

let (ref_allele, _ref_count, ref_bitset) = &variants[0]; // most frequent (REF)
let (alt_allele, _alt_count, alt_bitset) = &variants[1]; // less frequent (ALT)

// Generate sample genotype calls
let sample_calls: Vec<String> = data_info.sample_names.iter()
.map(|(i, _sample)| {
let in_ref = ref_bitset.contains(i);
let in_alt = alt_bitset.contains(i);

match (in_ref, in_alt) {
(true, true) => "0/1".to_string(), // both variants present (strain mixture)
(true, false) => "0".to_string(), // only REF
(false, true) => "1".to_string(), // only ALT
(false, false) => ".".to_string(), // missing data

Check warning on line 107 in src/skalo/

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Added lines #L74 - L107 were not covered by tests

// Write the VCF line
ref_allele, alt_allele, first_kmer, last_kmer, sample_calls.join("\t")


Check warning on line 119 in src/skalo/

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Added lines #L109 - L119 were not covered by tests

log::info!("{} indels", nb_indels);

// return entry k-mers of indels for SNP processing

// dereplicate indel groups: choose shortest between 'forward' and 'reverse-complement';
// this is equivalent to indel realigning in read-alignment (useful in repeats)
fn dereplicate_indels<IntT: for<'a> UInt<'a>>(
indel_groups: VariantGroups<IntT>,
k_graph: usize,
) -> (VariantGroups<IntT>, HashSet<IntT>) {

let mut entries_indels: HashSet<IntT> = HashSet::new();
let mut final_indels: VariantGroups<IntT> = HashMap::new();

// create a vector of keys and their corresponding total sequence length, and sort it in increasing order
// we use the IntT value of the entry k-mer as tie breaker to get a stable list
let mut sorted_extremities: Vec<((IntT, IntT), usize)> = indel_groups
.map(|(key, variants)| {
// calculate total sequence length
let total_length: usize = variants.iter()
.map(|variant| variant.sequence.decode().len())
(*key, total_length)

Check warning on line 148 in src/skalo/

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sorted_extremities.sort_by(|a, b| {
a.1.cmp(&b.1) // sort by sum of sequence lengths
.then_with(|| a.0 .0.cmp(&b.0 .0)) // sort by the first IntT value of the key when there's a tie

Check warning on line 154 in src/skalo/

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for (combined_ext, _) in sorted_extremities {
let vec_variants = indel_groups.get(&combined_ext).unwrap();
if !entries_indels.contains(&combined_ext.0) {
// save indel k-mers
let rc_1 = IntT::rev_comp(combined_ext.0, k_graph);
let rc_2 = IntT::rev_comp(combined_ext.1, k_graph);
// save indel group
final_indels.insert(combined_ext, vec_variants.clone());

Check warning on line 169 in src/skalo/

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(final_indels, entries_indels)

// extract inserts of an indel group
fn extract_middle_bases(
vec_variants: &[VariantInfo],
k_graph: usize,
) -> (Vec<String>, String) {

// collect all sequences without the first kmer
let reduced_seq: Vec<String> = vec_variants
.map(|variant| {
let seq = variant.sequence.decode();

// get start position of last k-mer (i.e. find last position for which sequences differ (from the end))
let mut identical = true;
let mut n_nucl = 0;

Check warning on line 193 in src/skalo/

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while identical {
n_nucl += 1;
let mut all_ends: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

Check warning on line 197 in src/skalo/

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// extract last n nucleotide from each seq
for seq in &reduced_seq {
if n_nucl > seq.len() {
identical = false;
} else {
let last_n_chars: Vec<String> = seq.chars().rev().take(n_nucl).map(|c| c.to_string()).collect();
let concatenated_last_chars: String = last_n_chars.into_iter().rev().collect();

Check warning on line 206 in src/skalo/

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if all_ends.len() > 1 {
identical = false;

Check warning on line 210 in src/skalo/

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n_nucl -= 1;

// extract last kmer (using first sequence)
let pos_end = reduced_seq[0].len() - n_nucl;
let mut last_kmer = reduced_seq[0][pos_end..].to_string();

// the length of last k-mer might be in some very rare cases longer than expected (only observed in variants with lot of missing samples) -> truncate it
if last_kmer.len() > k_graph {
last_kmer = last_kmer[..k_graph].to_string();

Check warning on line 221 in src/skalo/

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// extract 'middle-bases' (remove last kmer from reduced sequences -> only middle base left)
let mut vec_middles: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for seq in &reduced_seq {
let pos2_end = seq.len() - n_nucl;
let mut middle_bases = &seq[..pos2_end];
if middle_bases.is_empty() {middle_bases = "-";}

Check warning on line 229 in src/skalo/

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(vec_middles, last_kmer)

Check warning on line 233 in src/skalo/

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