Gateway Module.
Bridge between MODBUS RTU / ASCII to ModbusTCP via WiFi
Control debug messages remotely:
- access via wbsocket
- using app:
- on port 8232 -> http://espressif.local:8232
- access via TELNET on port 23
Access SPIFFS files
- URL: http://espressif.local/spiffs/<spiffs filename>
- URL: http://espressif.local/edit
- username: esp
- password: esp
A service that exposes the RESTful API as follows:
Method: GET, Base url: http://espressif.local/api/
- plain/restart
- Restarts the device
- plain/heap
- shows current available free heap in text plain
- plain/info
- shows Device info
- echo
- logs the request
- heap
- shows current available free heap in JSON
- config
- shows current JSON configuration
- scanWifi
- shows scanned Wifi networks available
- firmwareUpdate
- presents a form to update HEX firmware