Balerter Core API documentation
Create config file for Balerter config.hcl
datasources {
postgres "pg1" {
host = "postgres"
port = 5432
username = "postgres"
password = "secret"
database = "db"
sslMode = "disable"
channels {
log "lg1" {}
api {
coreApi {
address = ":2020"
Up the balerter and postgres with docker-compose
version: '3'
image: postgres:9.6.22-stretch
image: balerter/balerter
- ./config.hcl:/opt/config.hcl
- "-config=/opt/config.hcl"
- "2020:2020"
- postgres
Create and run go file with core api library usage
We pass errors check in this example. Off course, you should check errors in production.
package main
import (
coreapi ""
type serviceInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
RPS int `json:"rps"`
func main() {
api := coreapi.New("http://localhost:2020", "")
// Run check every 5 seconds
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
for {
// random rps value 35-45
randonRPSValue := strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(10) + 35)
resp, _ := api.Datasource.Postgres("pg1").Query("SELECT 'Cache' AS name, " + randonRPSValue + " AS rps")
var info []serviceInfo
json.Unmarshal(resp, &info)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", info)
if info[0].RPS > 40 {
api.Alert.Error("alert-id", fmt.Sprintf("service %s has too high rps: %d", info[0].Name, info[0].RPS), nil)
} else {
api.Alert.Success("alert-id", fmt.Sprintf("service %s rps is ok: %d", info[0].Name, info[0].RPS), nil)
Balerter log output after some iterations
balerter_1 | {"level":"info","ts":1660573586.675884,"msg":"Log channel message","channel name":"lg1","alert id":"alert-id","level":"error","message":"service Cache has too high rps: 42","image":"","fields":null}
balerter_1 | {"level":"info","ts":1660573601.6705568,"msg":"Log channel message","channel name":"lg1","alert id":"alert-id","level":"success","message":"service Cache rps is ok: 36","image":"","fields":null}
Information about use core api modules you can find on balerter site
api := coreapi.New("<balerter core api address>", "<auth token>")
You should run balerter with Core API enabled. See example above or balerter documentation.
If you not configure Core API auth token in balerter config file, you can use New
function with empty auth token.
api.Alert.Success(alertName, message string, opts *AlertOptions) (*Alert, bool, error)
api.Alert.Warning(alertName, message string, opts *AlertOptions) (*Alert, bool, error)
api.Alert.Error(alertName, message string, opts *AlertOptions) (*Alert, bool, error)
api.TLS.Get(hostname string) ([]TLSResult, error)
// Postgres
api.Datasource.Postgres(name string).Query(query string) ([]byte, error)
// MySQL
api.Datasource.MySQL(name string).Query(query string) ([]byte, error)
// Clickhouse
api.Datasource.Clickhouse(name string).Query(query string) ([]byte, error)
// Loki
api.Datasource.Loki(name string).Query(query string, params *LokiQueryParams) ([]byte, error)
api.Datasource.Loki(name string).Range(query string, params *LokiRangeParams) ([]byte, error)
// Prometheus
api.Datasource.Prometheus(name string).Query(query string, params *PrometheusQueryParams) ([]byte, error)
api.Datasource.Prometheus(name string).Range(query string, params *PrometheusRangeParams) ([]byte, error)
api.KV.Put(key, value string) error
api.KV.Upsert(key, value string) error
api.KV.Delete(key string) error
api.KV.Get(key string) (string, error)
api.KV.All() (map[string]string, error)
api.Log.Error(message string) error
api.Log.Warn(message string) error
api.Log.Info(message string) error
api.Log.Debug(message string) error
api.Runtime.Get() (*RuntimeInfo, error)
api.Chart.Render(title string, series []DataSeries) ([]byte, error)