oscillator.py: This Python script models the motion of a harmonic oscillator under various spring constants and forces. It employs numerical integration methods like the leapfrog method and the Runge-Kutta method (RK45) to simulate the oscillator's dynamics. The code generates plots for position and velocity over time, phase space trajectories, and energy conservation comparison between the numerical methods.
diffusion.py: This Python code performs a numerical simulation to find the steady-state concentration distribution within a circular domain. The script uses the finite difference method to discretize the Laplace equation and solve it for a circular region with specified boundary conditions.
eigenmodes.py: This suite of Python functions performs an eigenvalue spectrum analysis of various shapes such as squares, rectangles, and circles discretized on a 2D grid. The code base also facilitates time-dependent simulations of physical phenomena on these shapes. It showcases numerical techniques for solving eigenvalue problems and simulating time-dependent solutions using the computed eigenmodes.