This is a Node js utility to upload files to AEM. Sample Code Structure:
const DirectBinary = require('@adobe/aem-upload');
// URL to the folder in AEM where assets will be uploaded.
// Foldermust already exist
const targetUrl = '';
// list of all local files that will be uploaded.
const uploadFiles = [
fileName: 'myasset.jpeg', // name of the file as it will appear in AEM
fileSize: 5242880, // total size, in bytes, of the file
filePath: '/Users/ronitbanerjee/Adobe/aem-file-upload/myasset.jpeg' // Full path to the local file
const upload = new DirectBinary.DirectBinaryUpload();
const options = new DirectBinary.DirectBinaryUploadOptions()
// this call will upload the files. The method returns a Promise, which will be resolved
// when all files have uploaded.
.then(result => {
.catch(err =>{