Barrel organ discovery - 2004-2023
This repository contains the latest full source of APrint Studio, more informations can be found on the web site :
APrint Studio is composed of a constellation of tools for creating mechanical books , for street organs, fair organs, musicbox ..
for issues, improvements, this github repository is the right place. for discussions ,
Note on 2022 version, this version switch to 13 to 17 java version mainly. This java version can be downloaded from Oracle Download Center or adoptjdk website. The binaries are now provided on the github website, and everybody is able to build the app-image. The adoptjdk 17 is needed.
for creating the Installer with updated extensions launch the following command :
gradlew createjpackage
building only the jars (speed up the update, instead of the full 1gb all extension bundle):
gradlew createMacOsAndLinuxBundle
java -Xmx2g -server -Dmainfolder="C:\Users\use\Documents\.." -cp aprint.jar org.barrelorgandiscovery.gui.aprintng.APrintApplicationBootStrap
see documentation for more information about the command line parameters
gradlew check testReport jacocoTestReport