Live reload HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files inside neovim with the power of live-server.
Install live-server globally with your node.js package manager of choice.
Install regularly with your neovim package manager
For example, a config with pnpm and lazy.nvim may look like the following:
require('lazy').setup {
build = 'pnpm add -g live-server',
cmd = { 'LiveServerStart', 'LiveServerStop' },
config = true
Configure via the setup function (or use the defaults with no arguments):
See :h live-server
for more information
: start the live server
: stop the live server
The server runs by default on http://localhost:5555
. You can access your project by opening this URL in your web browser.
- mazeloth/live-server: the first ever live-server port to vim
- aurum77/live-server.nvim: the
first live-server port to neovim (however, it unecessarily depends on
and didn't quite cut it for me)