This gem lets you easily interact with Google Fusion Tables API from your Ruby application via a plain SQL interface, or an object orientated interface.
gem install fusion_tables
Gem Dependencies
- gdata_19 >= 1.1.2
- 1.8.7
- 1.9.2
require 'fusion_tables'
# Connect to service
@ft =
@ft.clientlogin(username, password)
# 1. SQL interface
# =========================
@ft.execute "SHOW TABLES"
@ft.execute "INSERT INTO #{my_table_id} (name, geo) VALUES ('tokyo', '35.6894 139.6917');"
@ft.execute "SELECT count() FROM #{my_table_id};"
# 2. ORM interface
# ========================
# Browse existing tables
# => [table_1, table_2]
# Getting table id suitable for using with google maps (see more below) #=> 42342 (the table's google id)
# Count data
table_1.count #=> 1
# Select data
#=> data
# Select data with conditions "name", "WHERE x=n"
#=> data
# Select ROWIDs
row_ids = "ROWID"
# Drop tables
@ft.drop # table id
@ft.drop [,] # arrays of table ids
@ft.drop /yacht/ # regex on table name
# Creating a table
cols = [{:name => "friend name", :type => 'string' },
{:name => "age", :type => 'number' },
{:name => "meeting time", :type => 'datetime' },
{:name => "where", :type => 'location' }]
new_table = @ft.create_table "My upcoming meetings", cols
# Inserting rows (auto chunks every 500)
data = [{"friend name" => "Eric Wimp",
"age" => 25,
"meeting time" => Time.utc(2010,"aug",10,20,15,1),
"where" => "29 Acacia Road, Nuttytown"}]
new_table.insert data
# Currently FT API only supports single row UPDATE.
new_table.update 1, [{"friend name" => "Bananaman"}]
# Delete row
new_table.delete 1
# Delete all rows
- The Google gdata_19 gem conflicts with the GData2 gem. Only current fix is to uninstall GData2.
- You have to make a table public before you can display it on a map. This can only be done via FT web interface.
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Largely based on Tom Verbeure's work for MTBGuru
- tokumine
- sikachu
- troy
- wynst
- sdball
- jmannau
- tomykaira
- fallanic