A Highly customizable Phone input Flutter widget that supports country code, validation and contact picker.
- Phone number with international validation
- Include only specific countries
- Exclude specific countries
- Set a phone number using a controller (Selected country will be updated automatically)
- Pick a phone number from contacts list
Install the package 'phone_number_input`:
flutter pub add phone_number_input
If you target Android 11+ (API 30+) and want to use the build-in contact picker you need to add the android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
permission on the AndroidManifest.xml as this permission will be requested automatically.
A full and rich example can be found in /example
PhoneNumberInput(initialCountry: 'XK', locale: 'en')
const PhoneNumberInput(
initialCountry: 'US',
locale: 'en',
countryListMode: CountryListMode.dialog,
contactsPickerPosition: ContactsPickerPosition.suffix,
initialCountry: 'AL',
locale: 'en',
countryListMode: CountryListMode.dialog,
contactsPickerPosition: ContactsPickerPosition.suffix,
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Colors.purple)),
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Colors.purple))
To be able to select a phone number programmatically, we first need to define a PhoneInputController
PhoneInputController _controller = PhoneInputController(context);
controller: _controller
Select the desired phone number:
_controller.phoneNumber = '+1-....'
If you want to set the phone number from contact, The widget already support this feature without the need to use the controller.