Inversion of Control implementation in lua
If you know Java spring framework , this library may be for you. The Inversion of Control approach allows you to get rid of Singleton anti-pattern, and more easily manage complex depencencies.
The gear
library optionally provide Dependecy Injection via custom resolver; The gear
cannot do DI as the as there is no reflection in lua, but custom OO-libraries might provide that.
local Gear = require "gear"
local gear = Gear.create()
gear:declare("chicken", {
dependencies = {"egg"}, -- optional
constructor = function() return { class = "chicken" } end,
initializer = function(g, instance, egg) instance.egg = egg end, -- optional
gear:declare("egg", {
dependencies = {"chicken"},
constructor = function() return { class = "egg" } end,
initializer = function(g, instance, chicken) instance.chicken = chicken end,
-- solved!
local chicken = gear:get("chicken")
local egg = gear:get("egg")
local Gear = require "gear"
local gear = Gear.create() -- construct the container
-- the order of declaring components does NOT matter
gear:declare("car", -- component name, required
{ -- component descriptor, required
dependencies = {"wheels", "engine", "data/year"}, -- list of names of dependecies, optional
-- dependencies = function() return { "wheels" } end -- alternative for DI
resolver = function(component_name) -- "dynamic" dependencies, needed for DI
return {"wheels", "engine", "data/year"}
constructor = function() -- constructor, required
return { class = "car" }, -- must return something non-nill
initializer = function(gear, instance, wheels, engine, year) -- initializer, optional
instance.wheels = wheels -- if "provides" is defined, then initialized is
instance.engine = engine -- mandatory, and it should return the
instance.year = year -- list of objects, which are defined in "provdes"
end, -- section
provides = { "some-other-components" },
-- simple constructors
gear:declare("wheels",function() return { class = "wheels" } end)
gear:declare("engine",function() return { class = "engine" } end)
-- directly set pre-initialized (or externally initialized components)
gear:set("data/year", 2015)
-- Voila!
local engine = gear:get("engine")
Let's assume that we have nuclear-reaction
component, which is able to generate Thorium-234
and Helium-4
atoms (componets), when Uranium-238
is provided as input. Here is an example, how gear can handle that
local gear = Gear.create()
gear:declare("nuclear-reaction", {
dependencies = {"Uranium-238"},
provides = {"Thorium-234", "Helium-4"},
constructor = function() return "process/nuclear-reaction" end,
initializer = function() return "element/Thorium-234", "element/Helium-4" end,
gear:declare("Uranium-238", {
constructor = function() return "element/Uranium-238" end,
initializer = function() end,
-- Oh, yes!
local thorium = gear:get("Thorium-234") -- element/Thorium-234
local helium = geag:get("Helium-4") -- "element/Helium-4"
If provides
section is defined, then initialize
should return the provided objects after the root object initialization.
Dependency Injection is possible when underlying class-system provides field-level fields enumeration for used classes, and class can be dynamically looked up via it's name.
For example lua-Coat provides that. Simplified example
require 'Coat'
local meta = require 'Coat.Meta.Class'
class 'Egg' = { is = 'ro' }
has.chicken = { is = 'ro', isa = 'Chicken' }
class 'Chicken'
has.egg = { is = 'ro', isa = 'Egg' }
local resolver = function(component_name)
-- drop "my/" prefix
local my_class_name = string.sub(component_name, 4)
local my_class = _ENV[my_class_name]
local dependencies = {}
for name, attr in meta.attributes(my_class) do
local property_class_name = attr.isa
local property_class = _ENV[property_class_name]
if (property_class) then
-- add "my/" prefix
table.insert(dependencies, "my/" .. property_class_name)
return dependencies
local Gear = require "gear"
local gear = Gear.create()
gear:declare("my/Chicken", {
resolver = resolver,
constructor = function() return Chicken { } end,
initializer = function(gear, instance, egg) instance.egg = egg end,
gear:declare("my/Egg", {
resolver = resolver,
constructor = function() return Egg { name = "smallie" } end,
initializer = function(gear, instance, chicken) instance.chicken = chicken end,
local chicken = gear:get("my/Chicken")
luarocks install gear
Artistic License 2.0
Ivan Baidakou (basiliscos),