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argocd lab

This is a walkthrough of an initial argocd installation that installs an app-of-apps solution.

It will be used test the uninstall of CRDs from a cluster where multiple argocd instances were deployed, with each chart installing CrDs. This causes issues during CRD upgrades as the other instances want to flip-flop the CRD versions - lovely!

See the script for installing the microk8s environment.

This repo uses asdf and direnv.

Initial bootstrapping

With the microk8s instance installed and kubectl access, it's time to start the lab.

Set the following hostnames in /etc/hosts

Add Argo CD

kubectl kustomize --enable-helm infra/argocd | kubectl apply -f -

Get Argo CD admin secret

export argocd_admin_password=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r ' .data.password | @base64d')

Apply app-of-apps

kubectl apply -k apps
export argocd_tooling_admin_password=$(kubectl -n argocd-tooling get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r ' .data.password | @base64d')

You should be able to visit the following URLs:

  1. with admin:${argocd_admin_password} credentials
  2. with admin:${argocd_tooling_admin_password} credentials
  3. - the guestbook test application

research accreditation

gitops-with-gitlab-argocd-renovate argocd-kustomize-with-helm mini-homelab


Setting the tooling instance to "uninstall" CRDS was a no-op (could be due to the helm versions used).

In order to test a catastrophic scenario - the Applications CRD was forcefully removed, with dire consequences.

breaking namespaces

When one of the three CRDs are removed by force deleting, a cascade of events takes place. The argo and argocd-tooling instances are uninstalled and the applications enter a zombie state due to finalizers metadata. This needs to be cleared for the rest of the CRDS and the namespaces to be cleaning removed.

Because the argocd instances are removed - their admin passwords will be reset and ALL projects, clusters, repos and secrets will be removed too.

How does this apply to cross-cluster applications that are installed via these instances? Another area of discovery...

kubectl delete crd --force --wait=false # uninstalls both argocd instances
# to free up the namespaces and remove the zombie applications you need to patch the finalizers
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | \\n   xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind \\n   --ignore-not-found -n argocd

# patch the applications that were the output of the previous command
kubectl patch 'application/argocd' --type=json --patch='[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers" } ]' -n argocd
kubectl patch 'application/argocd' --type=json --patch='[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers" } ]' -n argocd

# verify that the resources have now been freed and the CRDs are no longer present
kubectl api-resources|grep argocd # should return no output

# create the argocd instance and get the admin password
kubectl kustomize --enable-helm infra/argocd|kubectl apply -f -

# install the infra applications that will sync from github
kubectl -n get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r ' .data.password | @base64d'

# get the argo-tooling admin password
kubectl -n argocd-tooling get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r ' .data.password | @base64d'

the guestbook application

The guestbook application that was manually created with the following CLI command was unaffected when forcefully removing the Application CRD. This is a mystery as to why this occurred.

The commands that were run to install the application are preserved below.

kubectl create ns guestbook
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojson | jq -r ' .data.password | @base64d'
argocd login --grpc-web
argocd context
argocd app create guestbook --repo --path guestbook --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace guestbook
kubectl get pods -n guestbook


argocd bootstrap and playground






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