An Ansible roles that creates a docker container with a data volume. This role uses the docker module to create the container.
Create the following structure to hold the variables that the role needs:
# Our list of containers. An object using the name of the container as the index.
# The docker image to be used.
container_image: batandwa/baseimage
# The command to be run when the container is started.
container_command: /sbin/my_init --enable-insecure-key
# The domain to be used assigned to the container
container_domain: ""
# The ports that will be exposed by the container
- "2201:22"
- 3306
- 80
- 1080
# The container volumes with their corresponding host destinations with the host destination specfied first.
- "{{ lookup('env', 'PWD') }}/data/home:/home"
- "{{ lookup('env', 'PWD') }}/data/tmp:/tmp"
# Whether the container should expose all it's open ports.
container_all_ports: no
# The interface IP to use for the DNS. Set no to ignore.
container_dns_interface: no
# The socket or URL location for the docker host.
container_docker_url: unix://var/run/docker.sock
# Create a data-only container for this container.
container_data_container: yes
# A list of containers that should be removed.
- dev
- db1
- load_balancer
Create a variables.yml file with the variables as above and add the following to your playbook.
- hosts: local
remote_user: root
- variables.yml
- ansible-docker-container
GPL v2