A quick little web app interface I built to record and track my BJJ training progress. The goal was to reach 100 classes in a year, though COVID-19 threw a wrench in those plans.
- Allow for customization of goal total (# of classes).
- Clickable table of contents at the top to quickly scroll to certain sections.
- Progress bars to compare % of year passed versus % of goal completed.
- Reactive SVG donut chart to show breakdown of types of classes taken.
- Reactive list of classes taken, with ability to add remove classes.
- Fun facts about the current goal trajectory. :)
- Yearly calendar showing dates and types of training done.
- Setup app to use local storage to save/load newly entered/deleted classes.
- Injury counter & heatmap on SVG body outline to see where I'm most breakable. :(
- Proper styles for the progress bars when no training class data exists.
- Color key under calendar.