IMPORTANT: this is the latest version of NRPminer that is going to be used in the GNPS web-application
NRPminer is a modification-tolerant scalable metabologenomics method for discovering NRPs by integrating (meta)genomics and tandem mass spectrometry (metabolomics) data
- NPDtools (
- Linux or macOS
- Python 2.7
- GNU sed
make Makefile -s [spectrum_file] --antismash_resgbk [path_to_antiSMASH_generated_gbk] --orfDel [num_orfs_deleted] --derepdir [path_to_NPDtools_bin] --maxmod [maximum_modification_mass] -o [output_folder] --pvalue [pvalue_threshold] --threads [number of threads] --nrpspks_predictions_txt [path to SVM and CODE predictions folder]
For the full list of available options please run -h
** all_significant_psms.NRPminer.results.tsv :: list of all PSMs with significant PSM P-value as well as the sequence of the identified NRP