Arcade PI RTSP server and NeoPixel based MQTT alerting / DHT!! MQTT posting.
#Fork of "saito_mqtt_bed_neopixels"
Atempt to create a arcade style cabinet that connects to an MQTT broker for publishing temps and reading alert to publish on a 8LED neopixel light. I am going with a Pi as I also want a RTSP livecam for watching him at night (he is a toddler and having some sleep issues), but he is terrifed of Wyze cams.
There are various guides on RTSP and Pi's so I won't cover that here.
Makes use of Jeremy Garffs neopixel lib for the Rpi. More info at:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev git scons swig
cd ; git clone
cd rpi_ws281x
cd python
sudo python install
You also need jsonschema and paho mqtt libs. *Updated to pip3
sudo pip3 install jsonschema
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
Currently library defaults to GPIO18 (pin 12) on
Just add an MQTT JSON Light with following config:
# Enable mqtt
broker: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
port: 8000
client_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
keepalive: 60
# Example configuration.yaml entry
platform: mqtt_json
name: "Saito RGB Light"
command_topic: "saito/bed/neopixels/set"
state_topic: "saito/bed/neopixels"
brightness: true
rgb: true
effect: true
effect_list: [rainbow, rainbowcycle, theaterchaserainbow, colorwipe, theaterchase]
and you are good to go.
State and commands are passed using json:
"brightness": 255,
"color": {
"g": 255,
"b": 255,
"r": 255
"effect": "rainbow",
"transition": 2,
"state": "ON"
Just use pm2 to start the script
sudo su
pm2 startup
pm2 start --name saito_bed_neopixels
pm2 save
Or systemd
chmod +x
sudo su
cp neopixel.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable neopixel.service
systemctl start neopixel.service