This repository contains code used for the experiments in the paper "Behavior Cloning in Atari Games Using a Combined Variational Autoencoder and Predictor Model". There are three components to this:
- Generating trajectories.
- Training the Combined Variational Encoder (VAE) / Predictor, as well as the
alternative behavior cloning models, on the trajectory data.
- The three behavior cloning models are:
- The Combined VAE / Predictor.
- A discriminative model (CNN) that is based off the player.
- A separate VAE that first extracts a latent space representation and a separate predictor that takes the latent space as input.
- The three behavior cloning models are:
- Testing the trained imitator models on gameplay.
Due to different package requirements, 1 and 3 are done in the "gameplay" directory. 2) is performed in this main directory. The requirements for the main directory and in gameplay are listed in the requirements.txt file in each directory.
Instructions for Generating Trajectory Data:
Trajectories can be generated for the stored DQN Models in gameplay/dqn_models. These models are trained using stable baselines. While the code is written in particular for DQN models, other models from stable baselines should be usable as well, with a few edits to gameplay/
python ENV_NAME will generate trajectories for the specified Atari game in the default location, using the DQN model for that game from gameplay/dqn_models. Possible options for ENV_NAME are:
- BeamRiderNoFrameskip-v4
- BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4
- EnduroNoFrameskip-v4
- MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4
- PongNoFrameskip-v4
- QbertNoFrameskip-v4
- SeaquestNoFrameskip-v4
- SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4
Instructions for Training Imitators:
Running python SAVE_PATH ENV_NAME will train the three behavior cloning models. The code assumes that trajectory data has been generated already and is located in gameplay/trajectories. Already-trained imitators can be found in gameplay/trained_imitator_models.
Instructions for Testing Imitators on Gameplay:
The testing procedure described in Algorithm 1 is performed in gameplay/test_on_gameplay. The code uses the already-trained imitator models in gameplay/trained_imitator_models, although they can be replaced by models trained in the previous section.