Music Haze is a FullStack Soundcloud clone with RESTful conventions in mind. As a logged-in user for our site, you can: listen to songs throughout your session; log in as a demo user or create your own user. You also can: create, update, and delete songs. Lastly, authorized users can review and rate songs.
BrandonKMoore - Kiante
Bcjumpman - Brian
Six5pAdes - Austin
Flask, SQL Alchemy, AWS S3, POSTGRESQL, and Docker were used to create the database and backend routes.
Database schema link here.
Routes used with Flask for:
- Songs
- Reviews
- User
- Authentication
File upload and deletion is handled by AWS S3.
Hosting is managed by Render.
React, Redux, React-H5-Audio-Player, React-Icons were used to create the front-end functionality
- Playlists
- Follows