email: [email protected]
discord: stryker
github: bcstryker
Software Engineer, Pickle Finance:
11/2021 - present
Maintenance and features on React TS front-end tasks, ethers.js Web3 contract call automation orchestrated via AWS Lambda, internal tooling to support management and Scrum leaders:
- Created internal dashboard reporting on asset status, top gainers/losers, chain revenues, errors and warnings etc.
- Created data visualization charts page for asset and stakeholder stats.
- Designed and implemented "Scrum-bot." UI for team devs to submit daily async stand-up, signed web3 messages containing stand-up data sent to db, monitored reporting and tagged non-participatory team members via discord bot.
Software Engineer, MinMax Data, Contractor
- Data visualization dashboard for government agency (possibly the one with the most data, after the NSA of course). Leveraged knowledge in:
- R
- Figma
- Occasional data visualization with Tableaux and PowerBI
- Full-stack POC for a resume builder app. Leveraged knowledge in:
- MongoDB
- Express
- Angular
- Node
Trainer/Course Developer, Skyline-ATS, Contractor 12/2016-Present
- Instruct IPWSP-NE course (over 100 4-5 day courses taught)
- Develop RestAPI lab work for IPWSP-NE
- Develop cloud based variation on IPWSP focusing on AWS using boto3 (IPWSP-CE)
- Develop Deep Learning and Docker
- Conceptualized and developed all the labs for Cisco [PRNE](
Customer referral and ordering app for discrete organization. Leveraged knowledge in:
- Python
- ngrok
- Twilio
My developer portfolio site (WIP). Here is the git repo. Leveraged knowledge in:
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- React
- Next
- Web hosting (DNS, Vercel)
Java: This was the first language I learned, however that was over 15 years ago and I've certainly forgotten most of what I learned.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Dabbled with this classic web-development trio in college to build the occasional site. I didn't find my way back to web development until about two years ago when I started working with JS/TS and Angular/React. For the past year or so I have worked with TS extensively.
Python: I learned Python for basic scripting, then transitioned into a role training network engineers and system architects from companies around the world how to manage their on-site and cloud infrastructure with Python. The companies include SAP, NASA, Verizon, Comcast, T-Mobile, UPS, Century Link, and many more.
R: I did not know R, then I was brought onto a project for a big government agency so I learned R. I did not enjoy working with it. I completed the project and everyone was happy. I do not want to work with R again.
Basic knowledge of AWS, Docker, Linux, Regex, Solidity/Web3, SQL
- AWS CSA (expired)
If any links to company sites or course descriptions are broken, I apologize. I do not maintain these external resources.