Module that sends a lambda event, along with error details and lambda context info to the provided deadletter queue url via AWS SQS.
Constructor for the class.
- dlqUrl - { String, required } - valid url to the deadletter queue you wish to send a message to.
- options - { Object, optional } - an object to provide configuration options.
- logger - { Object/Function, optional } - a valid logger (minimum must have info and error functions), or a function that takes the lambda context and returns a valid logger. If no logger is provided, the default callback will not log any information.
const Publisher = require('lambda2dlq-publisher');
const logger = require('./path/to/your/logger');
const dlqUrl = ''
// no logger
const publisher = new Publisher(dlqUrl);
// passed logger
const publisher2 = new Publisher(dlqUrl, { logger });
// logger from context (if you've used a module like lambda-handler-as-promised)
const publisher3 = new Publisher(dlqUrl, { logger: (context) => context.log });
Method to publish the event, error and context info to the configured deadletter queue url.
- event - { Object, required } - the lambda event that failed
- context - { Object, required } - the lambda context
- err - { Object, required } - the error that the lambda event failed with
- cb - { Function, optional } - takes params err and result and is called on success or failure of sending the message to the deadletter queue. By default returns a promise that rejects on error or resolves with the result from sending the message, with some basic logging.
const Publisher = require('lambda2dlq-publisher');
const publisher = new Publisher(dlqUrl);
// lambda handler
module.exports.handler = function(event, context, cb) {
let data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to parse event data, not valid JSON.');
publisher.publish(event, context, err, cb);
cb(null, data);