This package combines graphql-rule with joi for simple authorization and verfication of graphql apis.
First, you need to create the types. In a type you specify the normal graphql fields as well as read and write rules for that type.
import {buildType} from 'graphql-verified'
const admin = model => model.$props.isAdmin
const assignedOrAdmin = model => model.$props.isAdmin || model.$props.isAssigned
const ownerOrAdmin = model => model.$props.isAdmin || model.$props.isOwner
export const ContactPersonType = buildType({
name: 'ContactPerson',
fields: {
id: {type: GraphQLString},
name: {type: GraphQLString},
email: {type: GraphQLString},
phone: {type: GraphQLString},
image: {type: GraphQLString},
/// props are used by the rules to determine if an object is allowed or denied
props: {
isAdmin: model => model.$context.auth.isAdmin,
isAssigned: isOwnerOf('Company'),
/// selfRead is a special read rule that specifies if the object can be read at all
/// in queries and mutations. If selfRead is denied and the object is returned by itself
/// it will be returned as null and if the object is returned as an element in a list
/// it will be removed from the list.
/// selfRead can be omitted which is the same as specifying `selfRead: true`. Anyone can then
/// read the object, but the readRules will determine what properties can be read.
selfRead: assignedOrAdmin,
// Read rules specifies which properties can be read in queries and mutations
readRules: {
id: assignedOrAdmin,
name: assignedOrAdmin,
email: assignedOrAdmin,
phone: assignedOrAdmin,
image: assignedOrAdmin,
/// Write rules specifies which properties can be passed when the type is used as an
/// argument in a mutation
writeRules: {
id: admin,
name: admin,
email: admin,
phone: admin,
image: admin,
const CompanyType = buildType({
name: 'Company',
fields: {
id: {type: GraphQLString},
name: {type: GraphQLString},
orgNumber: {type: GraphQLString},
contactPersonId: {type: GraphQLString},
contactPerson: () => ({
type: ContactPersonType,
/// As this resolve does not take arguments, pass false to disable joi validations
validate: false,
resolve({$data: {contactPersonId}}, _, {contactPersonLoader}) {
return contactPersonLoader.load(contactPersonId)
props: {
isAdmin: model => model.$context.auth.isAdmin,
isOwner: model => model.$context.auth.companyId === model.$,
readRules: {
id: true,
/// true allows anyone to read the property
name: true,
contactPerson: true,
orgNumber: ownerOrAdmin,
writeRules: {
id: ownerOrAdmin,
name: ownerOrAdmin,
orgNumber: ownerOrAdmin,
contactPersonId: ownerOrAdmin,
import {buildQueries} from 'graphql-verified'
import * as joi from 'joi'
export const contactPersonQueries = buildQueries({
contactPersons: {
/// A type in array brackets specifies the return type to be an array of that type
type: [ContactPersonType],
/// As this resolve does not take the args argument, joi validations does not have
/// to be disabled explicitly
resolve() {
return ContactPerson.findAll()
export const companyQueries = buildQueries({
getCompany: {
type: CompanyType,
validate: joi.object({
id: joi.string().required(),
resolve(_, {id}, {companyLoader}) {
return companyLoader.load(id)
companies: {
type: [CompanyType],
resolve() {
return Company.findAll()
import {buildMutations} from 'graphql-verified'
import * as joi from 'joi'
export const companyMutations = buildMutations({
upsertCompany: {
type: CompanyType,
validate: joi.object({
company: {
id: joi.string().optional(),
name: joi.string().required(),
orgNumber: joi.string().required(),
contactPersonId: joi.string().guid().required(),
/// In most cases the type of args are figured out automatically from the joi validations
/// but for complex arguments, for example a built type, that fails and the type must be
/// specified manually
args: {
company: {type: CompanyType},
resolve(_, {company}) {
return companyLoader.load(id)
deleteCompany: {
type: CompanyType,
validate: joi.object({
id: joi.string().required(),
resolve(_, {id}) {
return Company.delete({where: {id}})
The schema is built using normal graphql-js APIs.
import {GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema} from 'graphql'
const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => Object.assign({},
const MutationType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Mutation',
fields: () => Object.assign({},
const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: QueryType,
mutation: MutationType
For further documentation on rules and props, please see graphql-rule.
For further documentation on validation options, please see joi.