A collection of reinforcement learning and imitation learning projects for robotic control tasks.
Imitation learning for 2D visual servoing
Contains dataset handling and simple CNN policy
Includes synthetic data generation utilities
Soft Actor-Critic implementation for servo control
Handles both image and proprioceptive (qpos) inputs
GPU-optimized replay buffer implementation
- Full physics environment for Unitree Go2 robot
- Implements reward functions and PD control
- Supports parallel environments for efficient training
- PyBullet-based environment for object fixation task
- Discrete action space for camera control
- Includes memory debugging utilities
Sequence prediction policy for multi-step actions
Temporal convolutional network architecture
PyBullet deployment integration
Mouse movement imitation from screen capture
Temporal CNN with spatial pyramid pooling
Normalized coordinate prediction
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Core dependencies:
# - PyTorch
# - PyBullet
# - h5py
# - stable-baselines3
# - genesis-sim