A quality of life improvement to the neovim builtin terminal. It lets you quickly
open and close the terminal as a floating window at the center of the screen. It
is also customized to allow you to use Esc
key to exit terminal mode instead of
the builtin awkward command Ctrl-\ + Ctrl-n
There is no big reason really. You can quickly do this on your own in your own config. I just want to use this as my first taste in making custom neovim plugin.
- Packer
use 'beeploop/footerm.nvim'
- Lazy
{ 'beeploop/footerm.nvim' }
You can use it via command:
:lua require("footerm.nvim").cmd_open()
:lua require("footerm.nvim").cmd_close()
or create a mapping:
-- to open
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>co", require("footerm.nvim").cmd_open, {})
-- to close
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cc", require("footerm.nvim").cmd_close, {})