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Brew View

Brew View is the beer-garden application frontend. It uses Tornado to serve some REST endpoints and the AngularJS application, and it communicates with the beer-garden backend (Bartender) through Thrift.

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Getting Started

The following steps are the easiest way to get Brew-view up and running from source.


  • Python (2.7.9+ or 3.4+)
  • Node.js (Stable, 6+) with yarn installed globally
  • Connectivity to a MongoDB Server
  • Connectivity to a RabbitMQ Server

Get Up and Running

A full installation guide for RabbitMQ and Mongo is outside the scope of this document. Below is a small snippet to get you up and running if you have docker installed..

$ docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name bg-mongo mongo
$ docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name bg-rmq rabbitmq:3-management-alpine

To do development locally, it is important to note that brew-view is a combination of a python API powered by tornado and an AngularJS App. So we will start them both up!

$ git clone
$ cd brew-view
$ make deps # just a simple way to do pip install -r requirements.txt and yarn install

Start up the JavaScript Application:

$ cd brew_view/static
$ yarn serve

Now start up the Python API:

$ cd /path/to/brew-view
$ python -m brew_view -c ./dev_conf/config.yml

Sweet! Everything should now be up and running. Visit http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to check it out. Hit Ctrl-c to stop the web server.

NOTE: It's worth noting that the JavaScript App is served on 8080 but the python application is running on 2337.


There's a conf/config.yml file that comes with the installation. It comes with sensible default values but feel free to change them if you'd like. You'll need to restart the web server after making any changes.

REST Services

Brew-view's most visible job is to serve the frontend application, but it also provides a REST API. This API is used by the frontend (and the plugins) to interact with the rest of beer-garden. You're more than welcome to use the REST API directly if you'd like - you can find Swagger documentation by navigating to the About page and clicking the Check it out! button.

Testing and Code Coverage

You can run the testing yourself.


$ make test

This will run the tests for the python application. You can run against multiple python versions using tox:

$ make test-all

To generate coverage:

$ make coverage

We use flake8 for linting:

$ make lint


The JavaScript application has its own Makefile so to run these commands you'll need to be in the brew_view/static directory.

We are currently lacking in good JavaScript tests since we switched to webpack. We are hoping to remedy this in the near-term future. You __should__ be able to run tests:

$ make test

To run ESLint:

make lint


Creating the brew-view distribution is simple. Simply go to the git root directory and run the following:

$ make dist