Bitwarden Zsh plugin - provides formatting options and easy acces to credentails stored in Bitwarden via the Bitwarden CLI. The plugin tries to retrieve a valid session before each action, therefore an explicit login is not nescessary beforehand.
The following addtional tools are required to use the Bitwarden Zsh plugin:
Bitwarden cli -
jq - - tested version 1.6
fzf - - tested version 0.29.0
gocred - - tested version 1.0.0
The Bitwarden Zsh plugin provides install functions for each tool, but you should consider using the package manager
of your operating system if possible.
On Cygwin installations there might be an issue with the provided fzf version. If it is to old you can use
the bw-install-fzf
function, which will download and install the latest version from the Github repository.
As gocred is currently not provided by any package manager, you can install it using bw-install-gocred
command | description | parameters |
bw-search | search credential and copy to secure store (BW_CLIP ), if gocred is available. Displays the list of credentails found for further selection or copies if only one exact match was found. |
argument as searchterm (bw list --search searchterm )opt. -j | --json for json output of selected entry |
bw-search-organization | see bw-search , but only searches for organizational credentials |
argument as searchterm (bw list --organizationid notnull --search <searchterm> ) |
bw-search-personal | see bw-search , but only searches for personal credentials |
argument as searchterm (bw list --organizationid null --search <searchterm> ) |
bws | alias for bw-search |
bwo | alias for bw-search-organization |
bwp | alias for bw-search-personal |
bw-login | performs a Bitwarden login. Checks the bitwarden status beforehand and performs an unlock or login accordingly, but only if necessary. Bitwarden username can be provided as argument. If not given tries to retrieve username from bw-user hook, which may be implemented in any way. The session is exported as BW_SESSION environment variable, so it is available to other CLI calls. If gocred is available the session key is also stored in the credential store and can be used by serveral sessions (multiple terminal windows) on one system. | optional login name |
bwl | alias for bw-login |
bw-user | hook for Bitwarden username. Simplest possible implementation function bw-user { echo "[email protected]" } added to .zshrc . But anything should be possible, see examples for inspiration. |
bw-copy | copies [opt. username] and password to BW_CLIP using gocred |
bw-paste | paste username and password from BW_CLIP |
bw-paste-user | paste username from BW_CLIP |
bw-paste-password | paste password from BW_CLIP |
bw-clip-reset | not yet implemented will delete BW_CLIP |
bw-clipboard-user | not yet implemented copies the username to the standard clipbord and removes it after the specified timeout BW_CLIPBOARD_TIMEOUT . Default timeout is 15 seconds. |
bw-clipboard-pw | not yet implemented copies the password to the standard clipbord and removes it after the specified timeout BW_CLIPBOARD_TIMEOUT . Default timeout is 15 seconds. |
bw-clipboard-clear | not yet implemented clears the clipboard | |
bw-clipboard-timeout | not yet implemented copies the input stream to the clipboard and clears the clipboard after the specified timeout BW_CLIPBOARD_TIMEOUT . Default timeout is 15 seconds. |
bw-orgId | returns the id of the first orgaization | |
bw-orgMember | returns a list of the members of bw-orgId |
bw-orgCollections | returns a list of the collections of bw-orgId |
bw-getField | returns a standard field from the selected entry (jsonpath without leading . ) |
argument for jsonpath |
bw-getCustomField | returns a custom field value from the selected entry | field name as argument |
bw-install-cli | installs Bitwarden CLI | optional installdir |
bw-install-fzf | installs fzf | optional installdir |
bw-install-gocred | installs gocred | optional installdir |
bw-install-jq | installs jq | optional installdir |
⚠️ These formatting options are build to be used with the "plain" Bitwarden cli - these do not work in conjunction with the aliases provided by the Bitwarden Zsh plugin.
command | description | example |
bw-asList | format json result as table, json keys are used as table header | |
bw-asCredentialList | extracts only the fields .name, .login.username, .id, .folder, .organizationId and display as table (see bw-asList ) from all entries. |
bw-asPassword | extracts the password of a json entry and outputs as argument for usage in shell | |
bw-asTsvList | like bw-asList but outputs a tab separated list for futher formatting |
bw-asCredentials | like bw-asCredentialList but with the fields .name, .login.username, .login.uris[0].uri, .id |
bw-asUsernamePassword | like bw-asPassword but returns two arguments username password |
bw-unescape | removes the quotes of an entry | bw-paste-user | bw-unescape |
bw-clean-string-value | replaces json strings with empty strings. In some cases strings are not correctly encoded by the Bitwarden CLI and prevent parsing by jq or other tools. | bws hostname | bw-clean-string-value uri password |
❯ bw list items --search test --organizationid null | bw-asCredentialList
test user a0789a74-b8f1-445c-9ea7-ae5b00d7cce0
test2 user2 901b6362-25d5-45d7-9acf-ae5b00d85e83
test3 [email protected] 31f117da-ac04-4c99-812e-ae5b00d87393
❯ bw list items --search test --organizationid null | bw-asCredentials | bw-asList
test user a0789a74-b8f1-445c-9ea7-ae5b00d7cce0
test2 user2 901b6362-25d5-45d7-9acf-ae5b00d85e83
test3 [email protected] 31f117da-ac04-4c99-812e-ae5b00d87393
test4 user 229bc07d-835e-4e42-a59b-ae5b00df50f2
❯ bw list items --search test --organizationid null | bw-asCredentials | bw-asTsvList
test user a0789a74-b8f1-445c-9ea7-ae5b00d7cce0
test2 user2 901b6362-25d5-45d7-9acf-ae5b00d85e83
test3 [email protected] 31f117da-ac04-4c99-812e-ae5b00d87393
test4 user 229bc07d-835e-4e42-a59b-ae5b00df50f2
❯ bw get item 'test4' | bw-asPassword
❯ bw get item 'test4' | bw-asPassword | bw-unescape
- Search for items matching
- open entry selection if more than result - get the value of the custom field
- returns nothing if field does not exist - pastes to user name of the selected item
echo "Do magic on host $(bws --json host1 | bw-getCustomField Hostname) with user $(bw-paste-user)"
- Search for items matching
- open entry selection if more than result - check if an item was selected (return code
) or if the selection was aborted (return code1
) - get the value of the custom field
- returns nothing if field does not exist - perform action with Hostname field, e.g. connecting via ssh
json=$(bws --json host1); if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then h=`echo $json | bw-getCustomField Hostname`; echo echo "connect to $h"; else echo "ohh no - more lemmings"; fi
The hook should be implemented in your .zshrc
or any other resource file loaded before using the plugin commands itself.
export USER_EMAIL="[email protected]"
function bw-user() {
function bw-user() {
git config --global
# get user principal from current windows session
upn() {
if [[ -z "$UPN" ]]; then
cUPN=$(powershell 'Get-ADUser -Identity $env:USERNAME -Properties *| select-object -first 1 | foreach { $_.UserPrincipalName } | Write-Host -NoNewline');
export UPN=$cUPN;
echo $UPN
function bw-user() {