Desciption: DAQ software to read KPiX chip integrated to sensors of LYCORIS telescope. Original code in Copyright (c) 2011 by SLAC, All rights reserved.
git clone kpix_local
cd kpix_local
(Todo: add stable tags then document it for user/developper)
If you are a developper of this software, please click the 'Fork' on top right of this page. Then add your mirror and push your 'dev' branch to it:
git remote add mykpix [email protected]:$YOUR_GITHUB_REPOSITORY/KPiX-Lycoris.git
git checkout -b
git commit -m "init commit, copy from central master branch"
git push -u mykpix
Collaboration ATTENTION! Please always push to your own branch, then to ask for a pull-request on the central git repository!
source setup_env_template.csh
make -j 4
sudo make install # do this if you need shared lib and headers for other compilable codes.
Make options:
- norm: no shared library produced
- share: only shared library produced (added to default option); Noted: pylibs is not included in this shared lib.
- install: cp to /usr/local/lib/kpix; cp generic/.h kpix/.h to /usr/local/include/kpix.
- kpix.origin: all original codes from SLAC (may have some cusomitized output added, but no core functions shall changed)
- kpix.master: up-to-date latest development version, used for LYCORIS telescope at DESY-II.