You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 62
How to use library
mmd2obj.cpp is a simple sample.
simple_mmd_viewer_glfw.cpp is a OpenGL sample.
simple_mmd_viewer_dx11.cpp is a DirectX 11 sample.
simple_mmd_viewer_vulkan.cpp is a Vulkan sample.
Saba uses UTF-8 as the path string.
is a MMD(PMD/PMX) model.
// Load model.
std::shared_ptr<saba::MMDModel> mmdModel;
std::string mmdDataPath = ""; // Set MMD data path(default toon texture path).
std::string ext = saba::PathUtil::GetExt(modelPath);
if (ext == "pmd")
auto pmdModel = std::make_unique<saba::PMDModel>();
if (!pmdModel->Load(modelPath, mmdDataPath))
std::cout << "Load PMDModel Fail.\n";
return false;
mmdModel = std::move(pmdModel);
else if (ext == "pmx")
auto pmxModel = std::make_unique<saba::PMXModel>();
if (!pmxModel->Load(modelPath, mmdDataPath))
std::cout << "Load PMXModel Fail.\n";
return false;
mmdModel = std::move(pmxModel);
std::cout << "Unsupported Model Ext : " << ext << "\n";
return false;
For mmdDataPath
, specify the data path of default MMD toon texture.
is a MMD(VMD) animation.
// Load animation.
auto vmdAnim = std::make_unique<saba::VMDAnimation>();
if (!vmdAnim->Create(mmdModel))
std::cout << "Create VMDAnimation Fail.\n";
return false;
for (const auto& vmdPath : vmdPaths)
saba::VMDFile vmdFile;
if (!saba::ReadVMDFile(&vmdFile, vmdPath.c_str()))
std::cout << "Read VMD File Fail.\n";
return false;
if (!vmdAnim->Add(vmdFile))
std::cout << "Add VMDAnimation Fail.\n";
return false;
// Initialize pose.
// Sync physics animation.
vmdAnim->SyncPhysics((float)animTime * 30.0f);
// Update animation(animation loop).
// Update animation.
// vmdAnim->Evaluate((float)animTime * 30.0f);
// mmdModel->UpdateMorphAnimation(1.0f / 60.0f);
// mmdModel->UpdateNodeAnimation(false);
// mmdModel->UpdatePhysicsAnimation();
// mmdModel->UpdateNodeAnimation(true);
mmdModel->UpdateAllAnimation(vmdAnim.get(), (float)animTime * 30.0f, 1.0f / 60.0f);
// Update vertex.
Execute mmdModel->InitializeAnimation()
and vmdAnim->SyncPhysics()
only once.
is initialize the animation.
is sync the physical animation.
Reflecting the physical animation immediately may cause the model to be destroyed.
The animation loop looks like the following.
- Updates morph, node, and physics animation at once.
- Update vertices.
- Evaluate VMD animation.
- Update morph animation.
- Update node animation.
- Update physics animation.
- Update node animation after physics simulation.
- Update vertices.
The updated vertices are obtained as follows.
const glm::vec3* positions = mmdModel->GetUpdatePositions();
const glm::vec3* normals = mmdModel->GetUpdateNormals();
const glm::vec2* uvs = mmdModel->GetUpdateUVs();
Vertex index size is either 1, 2, or 4 bytes. Get the index size with mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize()
The vertex indices are obtained as follows.
if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 1)
uint8_t* mmdIndices = (uint8_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
else if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 2)
uint16_t* mmdIndices = (uint16_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
else if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 4)
uint32_t* mmdIndices = (uint32_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
// Output OBJ file.
std::ofstream objFile;
if (!objFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Open OBJ File Fail.\n";
return false;
objFile << "# mmmd2obj\n";
objFile << "mtllib output.mtl\n";
// Write positions.
size_t vtxCount = mmdModel->GetVertexCount();
const glm::vec3* positions = mmdModel->GetUpdatePositions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++)
objFile << "v " << positions[i].x << " " << positions[i].y << " " << positions[i].z << "\n";
const glm::vec3* normals = mmdModel->GetUpdateNormals();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++)
objFile << "vn " << normals[i].x << " " << normals[i].y << " " << normals[i].z << "\n";
const glm::vec2* uvs = mmdModel->GetUpdateUVs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++)
objFile << "vt " << uvs[i].x << " " << uvs[i].y << "\n";
// Copy vertex indices.
std::vector<size_t> indices(mmdModel->GetIndexCount());
if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 1)
uint8_t* mmdIndices = (uint8_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
indices[i] = mmdIndices[i];
else if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 2)
uint16_t* mmdIndices = (uint16_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
indices[i] = mmdIndices[i];
else if (mmdModel->GetIndexElementSize() == 4)
uint32_t* mmdIndices = (uint32_t*)mmdModel->GetIndices();
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
indices[i] = mmdIndices[i];
return false;
// Write faces.
size_t subMeshCount = mmdModel->GetSubMeshCount();
const saba::MMDSubMesh* subMeshes = mmdModel->GetSubMeshes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < subMeshCount; i++)
objFile << "\n";
objFile << "usemtl " << subMeshes[i].m_materialID << "\n";
for (size_t j = 0; j < subMeshes[i].m_vertexCount; j += 3)
auto vtxIdx = subMeshes[i].m_beginIndex + j;
auto vi0 = indices[vtxIdx + 0] + 1;
auto vi1 = indices[vtxIdx + 1] + 1;
auto vi2 = indices[vtxIdx + 2] + 1;
objFile << "f "
<< vi0 << "/" << vi0 << "/" << vi0 << " "
<< vi1 << "/" << vi1 << "/" << vi1 << " "
<< vi2 << "/" << vi2 << "/" << vi2 << "\n";
// Write materials.
std::ofstream mtlFile;
if (!mtlFile.is_open())
std::cout << "Open MTL File Fail.\n";
return false;
objFile << "# mmmd2obj\n";
size_t materialCount = mmdModel->GetMaterialCount();
const saba::MMDMaterial* materials = mmdModel->GetMaterials();
for (size_t i = 0; i < materialCount; i++)
const auto& m = materials[i];
mtlFile << "newmtl " << i << "\n";
mtlFile << "Ka " << m.m_ambient.r << " " << m.m_ambient.g << " " << m.m_ambient.b << "\n";
mtlFile << "Kd " << m.m_diffuse.r << " " << m.m_diffuse.g << " " << m.m_diffuse.b << "\n";
mtlFile << "Ks " << m.m_specular.r << " " << m.m_specular.g << " " << m.m_specular.b << "\n";
mtlFile << "d " << m.m_alpha << "\n";
mtlFile << "map_Kd " << m.m_texture << "\n";
mtlFile << "\n";