Benjamin Schwerdtners blog
This is up here:
Make a blog using org and use babashka as build tool.
I take the website content straight from my denote notes dir.
Deploying is currently scp
into a linode server.
bb tasks
for a list of available commands.
You need to set ftlm/index-file
and denote-directory
in build-site.el
- shadow-css
- Thomas Heller REPL blog post
- screencast (soon)
- src/dev/build.clj - shadow-css build
- src/dev/repl.clj - shadow-css file watcher
- src/ftlmemes/gen_pages.clj - script for building html
Bb tasks:
- build-css
- css-watch
- build:
(shell "bb" "src/ftlmemes/gen_pages.clj")
All build steps run with babashka, which is fast! For development, I run a clj repl.
(Currently, the build duration is dominated by the emacs org html gen).
Thanks to System Crafters for getting me started:
Thanks to I copied atom feed code.