The Lenormand Grand Tableau Generator is an interactive tool that creates a new Lenormand Grand Tableau spread every time the user presses a button. Using emojis as card symbols. Throwback project to the start of my web dev life. EJS / Handlebars / Bootstrap frontend, classic MVC architecture.
Motivation and Goal: Lenormand is a form of cartomancy known for its 36-card system and its detailed Grand Tableau spread, which offers rich, interconnected readings. The project's goal is to offer an easy and enjoyable way for enthusiasts, practitioners, or curious users to generate Grand Tableau spreads on the fly.
This tool bridges the gap between the ancient and the contemporary, allowing anyone with access to a web browser to explore the intricacies of Lenormand readings. The hope is to inspire curiosity and exploration within the world of cartomancy while leveraging modern technology to offer a novel experience.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd lenormand
npm run start
Navigate to https://localhost:3000
Alternatively, there is an updated emoji version of this project at Emoji Lenormand.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Lenormand Grand Tableau Generator! Together, we can make this project even more magical and engaging for everyone.