ttyhstore is a tool for managing unofficial minecraft update server.
It features versions.json generate and libraries/assets check/cleanup with ability to download missing from official repository. Custom files(e.g. for mods) are also supported.
Data store model mostly follows official(see for details).
Relative to storage root:
Contains list of prefixes generated from /<prefix>/prefix.json. If prefix have type "hidden", it will not append here.
{ "prefixes": { "<prefix>": { "about": "<about>", "type": "<type>" }, [...] } }
{ "about": "<about>", "type": "<type>", "latest": { "<vers_type1>": "<vers_name1>", [...] } }
If this file is not presented defaults are
{"about" = "", "type" = "public"}
.Optional "latest" files overwrite latest versions in versions.json manually. Default choise based on releaseTime in /<version>.json
Simular to for current prefix.
May contains optional non-standard fields, used for check .jar file:
"jarHash": "<sha1 of <version>.jar>"
"jarSize": <size of <version>.jar>
{ "main": { "hash": "<sha1 of <version>.jar>", "size": <size of <version>.jar> }, "objects": { [usual index for libraries, required by client. Any os and arch are included.] }, "files": { "mutables": [ array from mutables.list(see below) ], index: { [usual index of files, located in /files/] } } }
Generated on cli checking.
Contains custom files, e.g. setvers.dat or mods.
Plain text list of files, thats may be changed by user.
Similar to
Contain asserts indexes(<asserts version>.json), similar to
/assets/objects/<first 2 hex letters of hash>/<whole hash>
Assets files.
Libraries and assets are shared between all prefixes and versions.
First of all you need set TTYH_STORE env variable. It's define where will located storage root. You may also use --root option, but it's less comfortable.
Clone passed versions from official repository to default prefix:
ttyhstore clone 1.7.4 1.7.10
Check all clients and generate versions.json in all prefixes. prefixes.json will be also updated.
ttyhstore collect
Done, now you have your own minecraft update server with official 1.7.4 and 1.7.10 versions. At least after you will append storage root to web server.
Create /<prefix>/<your version>/ directory, place there <version>.json and <version>.jar files.
For libraries, that aren't presented in official repo, place <lib name>.jar and <lib name>.jar.sha1 hash file to /libraries/ follows minecraft path policy.
If your build need some specific files, place them in /<prefix>/<your version>/files/. Index will be generated on cli check.
To make sure that everything is correct and download missing asserts and libraries, run
ttyhstore check <prefix>/<your version>
Then regenerate versions.json
ttyhstore collect
Just delete directory with it and run ttyhstore collect
for exclude it from all lists.
You may also remove all asserts and libraries, that aren't required by any client
ttyhstore cleanup
See ttyhstore help