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Dev Setup

Josue Rios edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Note: This page assumes you are familiar with coding, the terminal, and Git. Refer to Getting Started on Development otherwise.

PLEASE UPDATE THIS PAGE if there are any missing steps!


Logistics Checklist

  • You're a member of the Beyond HB 1079 GitHub organization.
  • Your computer's SSH Key is added to GitHub
  • You're a member of the UndocuScholar Slack Team
  • You have downloaded the Slack App and are receiving notifications. (You'll only get notified if directly messaged or someone directs a message to everyone using @here)

Tools Checklist

  • General Development
    • Git (which you should already have...)
    • Terminal (which you should already have...)
  • Web Development
    • Python 3.5+
    • Nodejs/NPM
    • PyCharm (Recommended, but you can use any text editor or IDE you want)
    • Depending on your setup, you may also need to install one of the following
      • Pip for managing Python packages
      • VirtualEnv for managing different versions of Python/Pip


The setup steps depend on whether you're using PyCharm or not. If you're using the PyCharm setup

PyCharm Setup

  1. Open PyCharm.
  2. On the Welcome Screen select "Check out from Version Control" or select VCS -> Checkout From Version Control
  3. Select GitHub and enter your GitHub credentials
  4. In the Clone Repository window, set the Git Repository URL to
  5. Feel free to select where in your file system you store the project or what name to give it.
  6. Click Clone and open the project
  7. In the Project Settings, search for "Project Interpreter" and make sure a Python 3.5+ interpreter has been selected.
  8. Open a Python file and you might notice a little warning at the top about missing requirements. Install those missing requirements.
  9. You can click the Run button (Green Triangle button at the top right) and your local database and node modules will be setup automatically. Once running, you can your application running locally here

Command Line Setup

  1. Open the terminal and cd into the directory where you want to store the project.
  2. Enter git clone [email protected]:beyondhb1079/undocuscholar-web.git to clone the repository. You can optionally add another argument to that command to save the project under a folder with a different name than undocuscholar-web
  3. cd into undocuscholar-web (or whatever you called it).
  4. If using your computer's Python 3, run sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install any missing Python3 packages. (If you get an error on linux see this post)
  5. You can run the application with the command ./ runserver. Your local database and node modules will be setup automatically. One running, you can your application running locally here