Interact with Visual Studio for Mac as follows:
Visual Studio -> Extensions -> Gallery -> IDE Extensions -> "VIM" -> Install
Then close the current document that you are working on and open a new document to activate the plugin.
Most Vim commands should work. If you see something that doesn't work, please file an issue. There's a good chance that I just don't know about it.
- Vim split windows. XSVim uses VS for Mac's side by side mode to emulate this, but it's only possible to have 2 vertical split windows.
both switch to side by side mode. - Visual block mode works for most tasks, but there are some differences in the way that VS handles virtual spacing at the end of lines.
- Selecting text with the mouse or using cmd+arrow keys doesn't switch to Visual mode
- No leader key support or configurable key bindings.
Some Vim keybindings (such as Ctrl-F, Ctrl-D etc) conflict with VS's own built in keybindings. However, there is a keybinding scheme included that you may apply if you want (Visual Studio + Vim)
- Goto declarationgu
- Find usagesgb
- Go to base symbolgh
- Show tooltip at current caret location (G
over)<C-p> - Go to file
support on the Solution Explorer pad and Test Explorer pad. Pressing<esc>
on these will switch focus back to the last editor window.- Goto Pad shortcuts start with
- Go to solution explorergpc
- Go to class padgpe
- Go to error list padgpt
- Go to Task List padgpp
- Go to Property padgpo
- Go to document outline padgpb
- Go to breakpoint padgpl
- Go to locals padgpw
- Go to watch padgpi
- Go to immediate padgpn
- Go to F# Interactive padgpf
- When there is only one search results pad, go to itgpf1
- When there is more than one search results pad, go to the 1stgpf2
- When there is more than one search results pad, go to the 2nd....etc.gpdt
- Go to debugger threads padgpds
- Go to debugger stack trace padgput
- Go to unit test padgpur
- Go to unit test results pad
- Insert mode escape binding. See example screenshot to see how to configure
to escape when in insert mode.
Check the release page as there is usually a more recent version of the addin here than on the Visual Studio for Mac feed. Grab the .mpack file and install it via Visual Studio -> Extensions -> Install from file
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- @shirshov
- @mdizzy
- @tdfacer