3244 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Create Docs “netlify-cms/index” by @bgoonz in #1882
- Create BlogAuthors “bgoon” by @bgoonz in #1884
- Create BlogCategories “js” by @bgoonz in #1885
- Create BlogCategories “py” by @bgoonz in #1886
- Create BlogCategories “git” by @bgoonz in #1887
- Create Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #1888
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #1894
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #1895
- Create BlogTags “psql” by @bgoonz in #1892
- Create BlogCategories “db” by @bgoonz in #1890
- Create BlogTags “🖇-🖇-🖇-🖇” by @bgoonz in #1896
- Create Docs “content/native-data-structures-in-js/index” by @bgoonz in #1897
- Create Docs “career/projects/index” by @bgoonz in #1899
- Create Docs “css/index” by @bgoonz in #1900
- Create BlogCategories “react” by @bgoonz in #1901
- Update Docs “tutorials/react-class-2-func” by @bgoonz in #1903
- Update Docs “career/list-of-projects” by @bgoonz in #1906
- Update Docs “archive/embeded-websites” by @bgoonz in #1904
- Update Docs “archive/embeded-websites” (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #1907
- Update Docs “articles/index” by @bgoonz in #1908
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #1910
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #1912
- fix by @bgoonz in #1913
- Merge pull request #1913 from bgoonz/master by @bgoonz in #1914
- backup by @bgoonz in #1915
- got rid of gallery by @bgoonz in #1916
- Create BlogCategories “html” by @bgoonz in #1920
- Create BlogCategories “css” by @bgoonz in #1922
- Create BlogTags “html” by @bgoonz in #1926
- Create Blog “adding-css-to-your-html” by @bgoonz in #1927
- Create BlogCategories “ds” by @bgoonz in #1929
- Create Blog “data-structures-algorithms-resources” by @bgoonz in #1930
- Create BlogTags “ds-algo” by @bgoonz in #1932
- Create BlogCategories “tools” by @bgoonz in #1935
- Create Blog “vs-code-extensions” by @bgoonz in #1937
- Update Blog “vs-code-extensions” by @bgoonz in #1938
- Create Docs “tips/7-tips-to-become-a-better-web-developer/index” by @bgoonz in #1940
- Create Docs “projects/recent/index” by @bgoonz in #1942
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #1944
- Create BlogTags “leet” by @bgoonz in #1946
- Create BlogTags “cms” by @bgoonz in #1947
- Create Blog “vscode-extensions” by @bgoonz in #1948
- Create Blog “using-the-dom” by @bgoonz in #1950
- Create BlogTags “search-indexing” by @bgoonz in #1953
- Create BlogCategories “search” by @bgoonz in #1951
- Create Docs “google-hosted-libraries/index” by @bgoonz in #1954
- Create BlogTags “search-indexing” by @bgoonz in #1956
- Create BlogCategories “search” by @bgoonz in #1957
- Create Blog “passing-arguments-to-a-callback-in-js” by @bgoonz in #1964
- Create Docs “sitemap-april/index” by @bgoonz in #1961
- Create Docs “tips/storybook/index” by @bgoonz in #1958
- Create Docs “sitemap-april/index” (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #1963
- Create Docs “content/data-structures-in-python/index” by @bgoonz in #1966
- Create Docs “css/media-querries/index” by @bgoonz in #1969
- Create Docs “css/media-querries/index” (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #1971
- Update Docs “css/media-querries/index” by @bgoonz in #1972
- Update Blog “adding-css-to-your-html” by @bgoonz in #1975
- Create Docs “glossary/mathfloor/index” by @bgoonz in #1973
- Create Blog “react-semantics” by @bgoonz in #1977
- Create Blog “date-component” by @bgoonz in #1979
- Create Blog “intro-01-data-structures” by @bgoonz in #1981
- Restyle prettier by @restyled-io in #1984
- Create BlogTags “linux” by @bgoonz in #1985
- Create BlogTags “py” by @bgoonz in #1987
- Create Blog “grep-in-linuz” by @bgoonz in #1988
- Create Blog “htt-requests” by @bgoonz in #1990
- Create Docs “glossary/folders-in-npm/index” by @bgoonz in #1992
- Create Docs “netlify-cms-jamstack/serverlessjs/index” by @bgoonz in #1993
- Create Blog “event-handeling” by @bgoonz in #1995
- prettier by @bgoonz in #1983
- Restyle prettier by @restyled-io in #1994
- Create Blog “event-handeling” (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #1997
- preview <----master by @bgoonz in #1998
- Merge pull request#1998from bgoonz/master by @bgoonz in #2000
- update by @bgoonz in #2002
- preview <----master (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #1999
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2004
- Create Docs “glossary/local-storage-vs-session-storage-vs-cookie/index” by @bgoonz in #2005
- Restyle Create Blog “embedding-media-in-html” by @restyled-io in #2009
- Create Blog “embedding-media-in-html” by @bgoonz in #2008
- Restyle update by @restyled-io in #2010
- update by @bgoonz in #2006
- Create Docs “get-started-with-gatsby/index” by @bgoonz in #2012
- Restyle update by @restyled-io in #2015
- update by @bgoonz in #2014
- Restyle update by @restyled-io in #2016
- Create Blog “5-tips-for-better-pull-requests” by @bgoonz in #2017
- Create BlogTags “react” by @bgoonz in #2019
- Create BlogTags “jamstack” by @bgoonz in #2020
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #2018
- Update Node.js to v14.19.1 by @renovate in #2022
- Pin dependencies by @renovate in #2021
- Create Docs “general-structured-data-guidelines/index” by @bgoonz in #2026
- Create BlogAuthors “bgoonz” by @bgoonz in #2030
- Update gatsby monorepo by @renovate in #2028
- Update dependency highlight.js to v9.18.5 by @renovate in #2025
- Update react monorepo to v18.1.0 by @renovate in #2029
- Update dependency gatsby-plugin-netlify to v4.3.0 by @renovate in #2024
- Update gatsby monorepo by @renovate in #2031
- Restyle Create Docs “git/github-tutorial/index” by @restyled-io in #2036
- Update actions/checkout action to v3 by @renovate in #2033
- Update actions/labeler action to v4 by @renovate in #2034
- Create Docs “git/github-tutorial/index” by @bgoonz in #2035
- Update Node.js to v16 by @renovate in #2032
- Restyled by clang-format by @bgoonz in #2038
- Create BlogTags “cms” by @bgoonz in #2043
- Update dependency js-yaml to v3.14.1 by @renovate in #2049
- npm 12 instead of 14 by @bgoonz in #2045
- Update dependency fs-extra to v10 by @renovate in #2048
- Create Docs “react/react-router/index” by @bgoonz in #2062
- hi by @impastasyndrome in #2061
- Create BlogAuthors “im” by @impastasyndrome in #2056
- Create Blog “about-npm-packages” by @impastasyndrome in #2059
- Create Docs “tips/web-accessibility/index” by @impastasyndrome in #2057
- hi by @bgoonz in #2063
- update by @bgoonz in #2066
- hi by @bgoonz in #2069
- Merge pull request #2069 from bgoonz/master by @bgoonz in #2070
- Create BlogTags “ukraine” by @bgoonz in #2074
- Update BlogTags “ukraine” by @bgoonz in #2078
- Create BlogCategories “js” by @bgoonz in #2079
- Create BlogAuthors “bgoonz” by @bgoonz in #2080
- Create Blog “react-state” by @bgoonz in #2081
- Restyled by whitespace by @bgoonz in #2083
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2085
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2089
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2090
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2091
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2092
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2088
- Restyled by whitespace by @bgoonz in #2086
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2084
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2087
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2093
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2094
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2095
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2097
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2096
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2098
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2099
- Restyle Restyled by prettier-yaml by @restyled-io in #2100
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2101
- Restyle Restyled by prettier-yaml by @restyled-io in #2102
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2103
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2104
- Restyle Restyled by prettier-yaml by @restyled-io in #2105
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2106
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2107
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2108
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2110
- Create BlogAuthors “backup” by @Bryan-Guner-Backup in #2112
- Create Docs “tips/top-10-money-tips/index” by @bgoonz in #2113
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2114
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2115
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2116
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2117
- hi by @bgoonz in #2118
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2119
- Create Docs “projects/links/index” by @bgoonz in #2120
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2121
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2123
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2125
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2127
- update by @bgoonz in #2129
- Restyled by jq by @bgoonz in #2130
- revert to stable commit by @bgoonz in #2132
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2133
- Restyled by prettier-yaml by @bgoonz in #2134
- Create Blog “webdev-setup” by @bgoonz in #2135
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2136
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2137
- Create Blog “10-essential-react-interview-questions” by @bgoonz in #2138
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2139
- Restyled by whitespace by @bgoonz in #2140
- Create BlogTags “tools” by @bgoonz in #2141
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2142
- hi by @bgoonz in #2143
- Merge pull request #2130 from bgoonz/restyled/mac-v-2 by @bgoonz in #2146
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2147
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2148
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2149
- 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @bgoonz in #2150
- Restyle 'Refactored by Sourcery' by @restyled-io in #2151
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2152
- Restyled by prettier-markdown by @bgoonz in #2154
- class syntax to function refactor by @bgoonz in #2155
- Create Blog “beginners-guide-to-python” by @bgoonz in #2156
- Create BlogCategories “python” by @bgoonz in #2157
- Update Blog “5-tips-for-better-pull-requests” by @bgoonz in #2164
- Create BlogCategories “gatsbyjs” by @bgoonz in #2158
- Create Blog “gatsby-cli” by @bgoonz in #2162
- Update Blog “10-essential-react-interview-questions” by @bgoonz in #2165
- Create BlogTags “career” by @bgoonz in #2160
- Update Blog “10-essential-react-interview-questions” by @bgoonz in #2167
- update by @bgoonz in #2173
- Restyle Update Blog “data-structures-algorithms-resources” by @restyled-io in #2169
- Create Blog “file-system-route-api” (Sourcery refactored) by @sourcery-ai in #2172
- Create Blog “file-system-route-api” by @bgoonz in #2170
- Create Docs “python/data-structures-in-python/index” by @bgoonz in #2174
- Update Blog “data-structures-algorithms-resources” by @bgoonz in #2168
- Create BlogCategories “google” by @bgoonz in #2176
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #2179
- Update Blog “beginners-guide-to-python” by @bgoonz in #2177
- Create Blog “deploy-react-app-to-heroku” by @bgoonz in #2181
- Create Docs “overflow/emmet-cheat-sheet/index” by @bgoonz in #2183
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #2186
- Update Blog “vs-code-extensions” by @bgoonz in #2187
- Update Blog “using-the-dom” by @bgoonz in #2188
- Update Blog “react-semantics” by @bgoonz in #2190
- Update Blog “react-semantics” by @bgoonz in #2191
- Create Docs “tips/decrement/index” by @bgoonz in #2192
- Update Docs “git/index” by @bgoonz in #2193
- Update Docs “about/resume” by @bgoonz in #2195
- Update Docs “about/resume” by @bgoonz in #2197
- Create Blog “intro-to-markdown” by @bgoonz in #2202
- Update Blog “deploy-react-app-to-heroku” by @bgoonz in #2203
- Update Blog “intro-01-data-structures” by @bgoonz in #2204
- Update Blog “react-state” by @bgoonz in #2205
- Update Blog “psql-cheat-sheet” by @bgoonz in #2206
- Update Blog “data-structures-algorithms-resources” by @bgoonz in #2207
- Update Blog “vs-code-extensions” by @bgoonz in #2208
- Update Blog “passing-arguments-to-a-callback-in-js” by @bgoonz in #2209
- Update Blog “beginners-guide-to-python” by @bgoonz in #2210
New Contributors
- @impastasyndrome made their first contribution in #2061
Full Changelog: 2022...stable-may-2022