A Blender add-on for importing/exporting Pokémon Battle Revolution's models into/from Blender.
Download the repository as a ZIP file. In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install
, then select the ZIP file you downloaded to install the add-on.
Navigate to File > Import > PBR model (.sdr/.odr/.mdr)
and select your .sdr
, .odr
, or .mdr
Assign animations using the PBR tab in the properties panel.
Then, select the armature and go to File > Export > PBR model (.sdr)
. Make sure only the armature is selected.
This addon is targeted at Blender versions 2.93
and above; older versions may not work as intended. To find the models in the ROM you'll need to unpack them from the game's .fsys
If you run into issues or you're interested in reverse engineering the Pokémon games on the Gamecube/Wii consoles you can find us on discord:
www.discord.gg/xCPjjnv .