CRUD in Typescript with GraphQL and NestJS containing the following models and relationships::
- Project: ID, name, description, status (Enum), has many devs, requires certain Roles.
- Developer: ID, name, email, can work on several projects, has several Roles
- Specialty: ID, Name
- The system must validate the data entered: Emails, blank texts, etc.
- The user will be able to register different specialties: Frontend, Backend, Cloud Arquitech, UI, Tester, etc.
- The user will be able to register several projects
- The user will be able to relate several devs to a project, the system should throw an error if the dev does not have any of the roles required by the project. Ex: Interface Design Project, it has the Frontend and UI roles, a dev with the backend role cannot enter the project.
- The user will be able to list projects, being able to filter by Roles within the project and by status. Ex: all projects that require the UI role.
- The user will be able to list Devs, also being able to filter by Role and also by project.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
docker compose up -d
Run in development (watch) mode:
npm run start:dev
Run in development mode: npm run start:prod
This will:
- Generate TypeScript type definitions for the GraphQL schema.
- Create PostgreSQL database and create tables via migration.
- Start server
When the application is running, you can go to http://localhost:3001/graphql to access the GraphQL Playground. See here for more.
Mario Castro [email protected]