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`subplot barplot` conversion to plotly
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mauromiguelm authored Feb 24, 2023
2 parents 521325f + fdd8f00 commit e11bbc5
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Showing 24 changed files with 2,279 additions and 1,899 deletions.
71 changes: 29 additions & 42 deletions components/base/R/pgx-plotting.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@
## Plotting functions

if(0) {

fc <- pgx.getMetaMatrix(ngs, level='geneset')$fc
x <- Matrix::head( fc[order(-rowMeans(fc**2)),], 60 )

par(mar=c(20,4,4,2), mfrow=c(1,1))
barplot( t(x), beside=FALSE, las=3)
pgx.stackedBarplot(x, ylab="cumulative logFC", cex.names=0.001, srt=60, adj=1)

par(mar=c(4,0,4,2), mfrow=c(1,2)); frame()
pgx.stackedBarplot(Matrix::head(x,40), xlab="cumulative logFC", hz=TRUE, cex.names=0.8)


heatmapWithAnnot <- function(F, anno.type=c('boxplot','barplot'),
bar.height=NULL, map.height=NULL,
row_fontsize=9, column_fontsize=9,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3388,38 +3372,41 @@ pgx.plotSampleClustering <- function(x, dim=2,


pgx.stackedBarplot <- function(x, hz=FALSE, srt=NULL, cex.text=0.9, ...)
##x <- x[order(rowMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE)),]
##barplot( t(x), beside=FALSE, las=3)
x.pos <- pmax(x,0)
x.neg <- pmin(x,0)
y0 <- max(abs(rowSums(x,na.rm=TRUE)))
y0 <- max(rowSums(pmax(x,0),na.rm=TRUE),

rownames(x.neg) <- NULL
p <- NULL
if(hz==TRUE) {
##p <- barplot( t(x.pos), horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, las=1, xlim=c(-1,1)*y0 )
##barplot( t(x.neg), horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, las=1, add=TRUE )

p <- barplot( t(x.pos), horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, las=1, xlim=c(-1,1)*y0, ... )
barplot( t(x.neg), horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, las=1, add=TRUE, ... )

pgx.stackedBarplot <- function(x,
ylab = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
horiz = FALSE
) {

} else {
p <- barplot( t(x.pos), beside=FALSE, las=3, ylim=c(-1.1,1.1)*y0, ... )
barplot( t(x.neg), beside=FALSE, las=3, add=TRUE, ... )
x_plot <- cbind(data.frame(groups = rownames(x)), x)

if(!is.null(srt)) {
text(p, par("usr")[3], labels=rownames(x), srt=srt, adj=1, xpd=TRUE, cex=cex.text)
x_plot <- data.table::melt(x_plot, id.vars='groups', = "Effect")

if(horiz == FALSE){
x_plot$groups <- factor(x_plot$groups, levels = rownames(x))
c1 <- which(colnames(x_plot)=='variable')
c2 <- which(colnames(x_plot)=='Effect')
c3 <- which(colnames(x_plot)=='groups')
colnames(x_plot)[c1] <- "Effect"
colnames(x_plot)[c2] <- "groups"
colnames(x_plot)[c3] <- "variable"

plotly::plot_ly(x_plot, x = ~groups,
y = ~Effect,
type = 'bar',
name = ~variable,
color = ~variable) %>%
plotly::layout(showlegend = showlegend, barmode = 'stack',
yaxis = list(title = ylab),
xaxis = list(title = xlab)) %>%


## for plotly
darkmode <- function(p, dim=2) {
font.par <- list(
Expand Down
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions components/board.clustering/R/clustering_plot_PCAplot.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
## This file is part of the Omics Playground project.
## Copyright (c) 2018-2022 BigOmics Analytics Sagl. All rights reserved.

## Annotate clusters ############

clustering_plot_clustpca_ui <- function(id,
ns <- shiny::NS(id)

info_text = tagsub(paste0(' The <b>PCA/tSNE</b> panel visualizes unsupervised clustering obtained by the principal components analysis (',a_PCA,') or t-distributed stochastic embedding (',a_tSNE,') algorithms. This plot shows the relationship (or similarity) between the samples for visual analytics, where similarity is visualized as proximity of the points. Samples that are ‘similar’ will be placed close to each other.
<br><br>Users can customise the PCA/tSNE plot in the plot settings, including the {color} and {shape} of points using a phenotype class, choose t-SNE or PCA layout, label the points, or display 2D and 3D visualisation of the PCA/tSNE plot.'))

caption = "<b>PCA/tSNE plot.</b> The plot visualizes the similarity in expression of samples as a scatterplot in reduced dimension (2D or 3D). Samples that are similar are clustered near to each other, while samples with different expression are positioned farther away. Groups of samples with similar profiles will appear as <i>clusters</i> in the plot."

plot_opts = shiny::tagList(
withTooltip( shiny::selectInput(parent("hmpca.colvar"), "Color/label:", choices=NULL, width='100%'),
"Set colors/labels according to a given phenotype."),
withTooltip( shiny::selectInput(parent("hmpca.shapevar"), "Shape:", choices=NULL, width='100%'),
"Set shapes according to a given phenotype."),
withTooltip( shiny::radioButtons(
ns('hmpca_legend'), label = "Legend:",
choices = c('group label','bottom'), inline=TRUE),
"Normalize matrix before calculating distances."),
withTooltip( shiny::checkboxGroupInput( ns('hmpca_options'),"Other:",
choices=c('sample label','3D','normalize'), inline=TRUE),
"Normalize matrix before calculating distances.")

title = "PCA/tSNE plot",
label = label,
plotlib = "plotly",
info.text = info_text,
caption = caption,
options = plot_opts,
width = c("auto","100%"),
height = height

clustering_plot_clustpca_server <- function(id,
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns

## Plot ############

plot_data <- shiny::reactive({

clust <- hm_getClusterPositions()
##data.frame( x=clust$pos[,1], y=clust$pos[,2], clust=clust$clust )

hmpca_options = input$hmpca_options,
hmpca.colvar = hmpca.colvar(),
hmpca.shapevar = hmpca.shapevar(),
df = data.frame( x=clust$pos[,1], y=clust$pos[,2]),
pgx = pgx,
hm_clustmethod = hm_clustmethod(),
hmpca_legend = input$hmpca_legend


plot.RENDER <- function() {

##pgx <- inputData()
pd <- plot_data()

hmpca_options <- pd[['hmpca_options']]
hmpca.colvar <- pd[['hmpca.colvar']]
hmpca.shapevar <- pd[['hmpca.shapevar']]
pos <- pd[['df']]
pgx <- pd[['pgx']]
hm_clustmethod <- pd[["hm_clustmethod"]]
hmpca_legend <- pd[["hmpca_legend"]]

do3d = ("3D" %in% hmpca_options)
##clust <- hm_getClusterPositions()
sel <- rownames(pos)
df <- cbind(pos, pgx$Y[sel,])
# if(!is.null(clust$clust)) df[["<cluster>"]] <- clust$clust

colvar = shapevar = linevar = textvar = NULL
if(hmpca.colvar %in% colnames(df)) colvar <- factor(df[,hmpca.colvar])
if(hmpca.shapevar %in% colnames(df)) shapevar <- factor(df[,hmpca.shapevar])
##if(input$hmpca.line %in% colnames(df)) linevar = factor(df[,input$hmpca.line])
##if(input$hmpca.text %in% colnames(df)) textvar = factor(df[,input$hmpca.text])
mode = "markers"
ann.text = rep(" ",nrow(df))
if(!do3d && "sample label" %in% hmpca_options) ann.text = rownames(df)
if(!is.null(colvar)) {
colvar = factor(colvar)
textvar <- factor(df[,hmpca.colvar])
symbols = c('circle','square','star','triangle-up','triangle-down','pentagon',
'bowtie','hexagon', 'asterisk','hash','cross','triangle-left',

Y <- cbind("sample"=rownames(pos), pgx$Y[sel,]) <- paste('Sample:', rownames(df),'</br>Group:', df$group) <- apply(Y, 1, function(y) paste0(colnames(Y),": ",y,"</br>",collapse="")) <- as.character(
cex1 = c(1.0,0.8,0.6)[1 + 1*(nrow(pos)>30) + 1*(nrow(pos)>200)]

if(do3d ) {
## 3D plot
j0 = 1:nrow(df)
j1 = NULL
if(!is.null(linevar)) {
linevar = factor(linevar)
j0 = which(linevar==levels(linevar)[1])
j1 = which(linevar!=levels(linevar)[1])
plt <- plotly::plot_ly(df, mode=mode) %>%
plotly::add_markers(x = df[j0,1], y = df[j0,2], z = df[j0,3], type="scatter3d",
color = colvar[j0], ## size = sizevar, sizes=c(80,140),
##marker = list(size = 5*cex1),
marker = list(size=5*cex1, line=list(color="grey10", width=0.1)),
symbol = shapevar[j0], symbols=symbols,
text =[j0] ) %>%
plotly::add_annotations(x = pos[,1], y = pos[,2], z = pos[,3],
text = ann.text,
##xref = "x", yref = "y",
showarrow = FALSE)
if(!is.null(j1) & length(j1)>0) {
plt <- plt %>% plotly::add_markers(
x = df[j1,1], y = df[j1,2], z = df[j1,3], type="scatter3d",
color = colvar[j1], ## size = sizevar, sizes=c(80,140),
##marker = list(size=5*cex1, line=list(color="grey10", width=2)),
symbol = shapevar[j1], symbols=symbols,[j1])
## add cluster annotation labels
if(0 && length(unique(colvar))>1) {
## add cluster annotation labels
grp.pos <- apply(pos,2,function(x) tapply(x,colvar,median))
##grp.pos <- matrix(grp.pos, ncol=3)
cex2 <- ifelse(length(grp.pos)>20,0.8,1)
plt <- plt %>% plotly::add_annotations(
x = grp.pos[,1], y = grp.pos[,2], z = grp.pos[,3],
text = rownames(grp.pos),
font=list(size=24*cex2, color='#555'),
showarrow = FALSE)

} else {

## 2D plot
j0 = 1:nrow(df)
j1 = NULL
if(!is.null(linevar)) {
linevar = factor(linevar)
j0 = which(linevar==levels(linevar)[1])
j1 = which(linevar!=levels(linevar)[1])
plt <- plotly::plot_ly(df, mode=mode) %>%
plotly::add_markers(x = df[j0,1], y = df[j0,2], type="scatter",
color = colvar[j0], ## size = sizevar, sizes=c(80,140),
marker = list(size=16*cex1, line=list(color="grey20", width=0.6)),
symbol = shapevar[j0], symbols=symbols,
text =[j0] ) %>%
plotly::add_annotations(x = pos[,1], y = pos[,2],
text = ann.text,
##xref = "x", yref = "y",
showarrow = FALSE)

## add node labels
if(!is.null(j1) & length(j1)>0 ) {
plt <- plt %>% plotly::add_markers(
x = df[j1,1], y = df[j1,2], type="scatter",
color = colvar[j1], ## size = sizevar, sizes=c(80,140),
marker = list(size=16*cex1, line=list(color="grey20", width=1.8)),
symbol = shapevar[j1], symbols=symbols,[j1])

## add group/cluster annotation labels

if(hmpca_legend == 'inside') {
plt <- plt %>%
plotly::layout(legend = list(x=0.05, y=0.95))
} else if(hmpca_legend == 'bottom') {
plt <- plt %>%
plotly::layout(legend = list(orientation='h'))
} else {
if(!is.null(textvar) && length(unique(textvar))>1) {
grp.pos <- apply(pos,2,function(x) tapply(x,as.character(textvar),median))
cex2 <- 1
if(length(grp.pos)>20) cex2 <- 0.8
if(length(grp.pos)>50) cex2 <- 0.6
plt <- plt %>% plotly::add_annotations(
x = grp.pos[,1], y = grp.pos[,2],
text = paste0("<b>",rownames(grp.pos),"</b>"),
font = list(size=24*cex2, color='#555'),
showarrow = FALSE)
plt <- plt %>%
plotly::layout(showlegend = FALSE)

title = paste0("<b>PCA</b> (",nrow(pos)," samples)")
if(hm_clustmethod=="tsne") title = paste0("<b>tSNE</b> (",nrow(pos)," samples)")
## plt <- plt %>% plotly::layout(title=title) %>%
## plotly::config(displayModeBar = FALSE)
plt <- plt %>%
##config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>%
plotly::config(displayModeBar = TRUE) %>%
##config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = all.plotly.buttons ) %>%
plotly::config(displaylogo = FALSE) %>%
plotly::config(toImageButtonOptions = list(format='svg', height=800, width=800))

modal_plot.RENDER <- function() {

plotlib = "plotly",
func = plot.RENDER,
func2 = modal_plot.RENDER,
csvFunc = plot_data, ## *** downloadable data as CSV
##renderFunc = plotly::renderPlotly,
##renderFunc2 = plotly::renderPlotly,
res = c(90,170), ## resolution of plots
pdf.width = 8, pdf.height = 8,
add.watermark = watermark



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