Django REST API based social network
- Create app and db containers: make create-social
- Run migrations: make migrate-social
- python bot --data json_file_path
- there is example data in /social_bot/data/
- If you are using app from docker then run:
- make bot-social
- signup:
method POST
payload_to_create={"username": username, "email": email, "password": password}
respone serialized data
- login:
method POST
payload_to_create={"username": username, "password": password}
respone user serialized data and auth cred
- users:
method GET,
method GET
- posts:
methods (GET, POST, PATCH)
payload_to_create={"title", title, "text": text}
response serialized data
methods GET
response 201
methods GET
response 201
- username-generator
- pyhunter --> for email existence check
- clearbit --> enriching user data on sing up