ropnroll is an helper library, designed for use in OS X exploits. I am using it for my kernel stuff PoCs, but may be useful for other purposes as well.
The library is in early stages and there is much more to add and modify. For now it provides:
- Some kind of Mach-O parsing (to be improved!)
- Useful functions for ROP gadgets, i.e. find a single gadget or a group of gadgets in memory, dump gadgets in a human-readable format, find symbols in memory. (to be improved!)
- There are also various functions to be only used with kernel exploitation, find unslid KEXTs base address, find unslid kernel base (for symbol and gadgets resolution), find kernel slide (via
with root privileges) (to be improved!)
ropnroll is not very useful in its current state, it needs to be improved further. I will add more Mach-O parsing helpers, more ROP helpers (gadget macros, mapped images analysis, etc.), and also other kernel-exploitation-oriented stuff.
Simply include the ropnroll/
directory in your project. Link against capstone.
You need capstone to compile ropnroll. You can find the correct capstone dylib (libcapstone.3.dylib
) the lib/
directory in this repository. The fat dylib is for both x86 and x64. You may need to manually replace the one located in /usr/local/lib
if it doesn't compile.
Thanks to @qwertyoruiop for help and his swag libraries (lsym and libxnuexp)!