A react weather app ⛅ 🌦️ ⛈️ 🌨️ 🌤️ ## Demo
This is a daily weather forecast data app created using create-react-app and AccuWeather API https://developer.accuweather.com/ to get the weather data for a city and display it in a meaningful way. As I deployed this project on Netlify with free account, there is a limitation on the amount of call you can query in a day.
- Create a homepage that displays the a textfield asking users to enter the name of a city.
- Fetch the weather data from AccuWeather API and show the weather information in a card once user pressed Enter and the name of the city is valid.
- Show error messages to users if the weather data can't be fetched or when user enter an invalid input.
- Divide the app into reusable and smaller components
- Created an attractive front-end.
- Deploy the app to Netlify.
│ .gitignore
│ package-lock.json
│ package.json
│ favicon.ico
│ index.html
│ App.js
│ index.css
│ index.js
│ └───imgs
- https://developer.accuweather.com/accuweather-locations-api/apis/get/locations/v1/cities/search to search for a city by name and get the location key, which is needed to call other APIs.
- https://developer.accuweather.com/accuweather-forecast-api/apis/get/forecasts/v1/daily/1day/%7BlocationKey%7D to get the forecast of the city once the location key is available.
- React (... & useState hook)
- JavaScript
- React Bootstrap