Reviewing management of book buying-selling online with MS SQL Server database and developed on simple C# winform application
- Visual Studio 2017
- .NET Framwork 4.6.1 or 4.7.2
- SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2018
- Trương Công Thành - 1810766
- Trần Thanh Bình - 1810689
- Phan Minh Thống - 1811249
- Đoàn Quang Chính - 1710685
# Open git bash and typing
# Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Connenct Your Server
# Open Bookstore.sql, INSERT.sql, EProcedure.sql, KHProcedure1.sql, KHProcedure2.sql, testAss2.sql in SSMS above
# Execute all the program in the order above
# Open project in Visual Studio (open WindowsFormsApp1.sln)
# And try our project ^_^ ^_^.
- Login
- Update Info
- Sign Up
- View Information
- Find/Get Book
- Find/Get Author of Book
- List Transaction
- Update Book
- View Book with Function
- Add Book in Bookstore
You can login with registered account at testAss2.sql
- username: e2
- password: 1234