Learn how to add/setup/make changes to web apps in just a few steps.
The API template depends on one thing: the variable site_name passed through the site.config file.
Each VueJS component conditionally renders specific content based on this variable.
For each new API you need to provide:
- A stylesheet named <site_name>.css (you can copy mygene.css as a template)
- A folder in static/css/ named <site_name> containing all icons. Please use this link to create new sets. ( Do not rename the icons)
- API specific data (see other examples under the mounted lifecycle code in index.html)
The BT template is independent and unique, any changes can be made directly on any part of the code.
API and BT templates are served extending the use of the the Wulab.io server.
Install Redis and run globally or within scope of server
Run Redis Server
cd redis-5.0.7
Confirm installation:
src/redis-cli then type PING (>> PONG) to confirm Redis is running
Install and start web app server
pip install -r requirements.txt
python index.py --debug
Get Uptime for a particular API at any given date. Eg 01302020mygene.info