This guide is published by Travis CI online at:
To start editing, install GitBook (requires Node.js):
On Mac OS:
brew install npm
On Linux - you're using Linux, so you should know!
sudo apt-get install npm nodejs-legacy curl
sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
sudo npm install gitbook-cli -g
Fork this repo by clicking on the FORK Button on the top right of this github site.
Git clone your fork of this repo:
git clone
Change to the directory of this repo:
cd Devguide
npm install
gitbook install book
Build once with grunt every time the HTML template changes:
Then view it locally. NOTE: The local view will update when the markup files are changed, so there is no need to re-run this command.
gitbook serve book
Open http://localhost:4000/. Files will update live as you edit them.
See for information on how to submit to this guide.
To add a new page, create the "page_name".md file in the Book folder and add an appropriate location in the SUMMARY.MD file.
Install required packages:
sudo gem install dotenv aws-sdk thread bundler git mime
export AWS_KEY=[KEY]
Content: CC-BY, (c) PX4 Project
Template: CC-BY, stolen from the Solo dev guide.