This Terraform Module creates AWS AMI's that can be easily kept up to date, automatically applying operating system (OS) patches to a Windows or Linux AMI that is already considered to be the most up-to-date or latest AMI. In the example, the default value of the parameter SourceAmiId
is defined by a Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter called latestAmi
. The value of latestAmi
is updated by an AWS Lambda function invoked at the end of the Automation workflow. As a result of this Automation process, the time and effort spent patching AMIs is minimized.
- Create Lambda functions
- Create Automation documents
- Test pipeline
- Create a basic example
- Create a full file
- Enable logging of the update processes to cloudwatch
- Provide inputs for specifying a subnet to launch in
- Split the single role into 2 roles, one for lambda and one for SSM.
- Provide inputs for security groups to attach
- Create output SNS queue, and write the queue arn to Parameter store, so that events can be chained together
- Import the file
append the variablevar.additional_userdata
to it, base64 encode it and update the SSM document - Create Submodule: Allow setting expiry of old images
- Allow updating of a specified ASG arn to use the new AMI
- Add the ability to wait for approval before updating the ASG
This will:
- Create a SSM automation document for linux
- Create appropriate roles and policies to run the process
- Create the lambda functions needed to trigger the process
- Create the Parameter Store Name
and store the value ofami
in it - Provide parameters to the lambda function such as a name template name template "{namespace}-{stage}-{name}-{date}"
- Subscribe the lambda function to an SNS topic for it to be triggered as per this aws example
When the lambda is triggered it will:
- Launch the specified AMI as a new instance
- Generate a new ami with the name template "{namespace}-{stage}-{name}-{date}" and in the example below the output template is
- Install the latest SSM agent on it if it is not installed already.
- Update all of the OS patches (
yum update -y
) - Shut down the instance
- Terminate the instance
- Trigger the second lambda function to update the Parameter Store Name
with the new AMI id.
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-2"
module "keep_ami_patched" {
source = "git::[email protected]:bitflight-public/terraform-aws-ssm-ami-bakery.git"
namespace = "cp"
stage = "dev"
name = "amazon-linux"
ami = "ami-dc2ecebb" // eu-west-2 amazon ami, but you would normally start with your own customised ami
# For Amazon Linux updates, they are only released in an SNS feed from us-east-1
# Pin a provider to us-east-1 to create a topic subscription to that SNS feed.
# Below we are subscribing the lambda function to this release notification,
# This means that on each release from amazon, we will update our custom image to match.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
alias = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "trigger_automation" {
provider = ""
topic_arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:137112412989:amazon-linux-ami-updates"
protocol = "lambda"
endpoint = "${module.keep_ami_patched.lambda_endpoint_arn}"