A very simple plugin that allows to insert snippets. Based on tmux-fzf-url.
The main use case is for docker containers or remote hosts.
The snippets are read from a plaintext file where each line is a separate snippet. Tmux buffer selection menu can be used for similar purposes, but is less convenient.
: binding to run the plugin. Default is Prefix+a
: plaintext file from which to get the snippets. Default is ~/.tmux/snippets
: options that are passed to fzf-tmux
. See default in fzf-snippets.sh
Add this line to your tmux config file, then hit prefix + I
set -g @plugin 'bitkeen/tmux-fzf-snippets'
Clone this repo and source fzf-snippets.tmux
in tmux config file:
run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fzf-snippets/fzf-snippets.tmux